Intellectual & Cognitive Development Jean Piaget’s Theories
How people organize information Assimilation Place new information into categories that already exist I have a dog - therefore all animals are dogs Accommodation Change brought about with new information There is a difference between a dog and a cat
4 Stages of Development
1. Sensorimotor Stage Learning to coordinate sensation, perception, and motor activity 3-4 months old to 2 years old Rattles and Peek-a-Boo Object Permanence Language development Symbols and Shapes
2. Pre-Operational Stage Begins with the use of language One-dimensional thinking Do NOT understand the Law of Conservation Key properties of substances stay the same even if their shape is changed Egocentrism - Cannot see someone else’s POV Artificialism - People control things they really don’t - like thunder Animism - Objects are alive
3. Concrete Operational Stage Begins around 7 Adult thinking about objects - yet not abstract Best at hands-on projects Understand Conservation Understand basic hypotheticals
4. Formal Operational Stage Puberty to Maturity Abstract thinking Hypothetical situations Abstract ideas Logical thinking
Intelligence Jean Piaget co-created the IQ Test with Alfred Binet Is intelligence learned or genetic? What makes up IQ?
IQ Your skills as compared to others in your age group Pattern Recognition Math Skills Spacial Reasoning Factual Knowledge Visual Memory Vocabulary Verbal Analogy Skills
Instilling Intelligence Parents understand the current level of intelligence and push zone of proximal development (level of the child’s skills) Distal Zone - what a child does not know and not in their skill set Proximal Zone - what is in their set and what they do not know Use scaffolding and enriched enviroments
Entrance Ticket Go to my website Click on the link to the IQ test Take it Make note of your score and write the range you fall into on your ticket
IQDescription% of Population 130+Very superior2.2% Superior6.7% High average16.1% Average50% 80-89Low average16.1% 70-79Borderline6.7% Below 70Extremely low2.2%