8 October 2012 HONORS ______________________ Thinking Cube? Gold Sheet Terms? Seating Chart Wizard Login to Laptop “FFA” Webquest –Dyknow ppt (also on webpage) Vocab pkt due Wed
8 October 2012 Periods 2-5 ______________________ Irony wksht? Gold Sheet Terms? Login to Laptop “FFA” Webquest –Dyknow ppt (also on webpage) Cycl/Orb Vocab wksht Vocab Quiz Friday
“Flowers for Algernon” Webquest #1 Multiple Intelligences Birmingham Grid for Learning: ks3/ict/multiple_int/questions/questions.cfm What are your special intelligences? Take the short quiz. Shade in your results in the pie chart, and write about 1-2 examples from your life that prove or disprove these results!
#2 Rorschach Test —University of Sydney Psychological Society “Flowers for Algernon” Webquest Describe what you see in the “sample” inkblot? Click on the right of the screen Optical Illusions. Choose 2. Describe them in detail.
#3 PBS.org ---MisUnderstood Minds On the left of the page, click on ATTENTION. At the top, choose either Visual Activity or Auditory activity. You may do both if you have time. “Flowers for Algernon” Webquest DESCRIBE your first hand experience activity from this page. Explain what you did… How did you do?? How did it make you feel??
#4 On the left of the page, click on READING. Choose either Decoding Activity or Memory Activity. If time allows, you may do both. “Flowers for Algernon” Webquest DESCRIBE your first hand experience activity from this page. Explain what you did… How did you do?? How did it make you feel?? PBS.org ---MisUnderstood Minds
#5 Maze Tests ---Timed Charlie completes his maze test with pencil and paper. Try this online version. “Flowers for Algernon” Webquest Record your time for 3 maze tests. Discuss how you did. ANALYZE your data.
#6 IQ Test This is a “just for fun” test. Charlie, our main character begins the story with an IQ of dbe85c831af02270aad03b548f What is an IQ test? How hard was this test? Why? “Flowers for Algernon” Webquest