The Use and Reuse of Materials: The OLI Statistics Course Caren McClure Professor of Mathematics - Santa Ana College Candace Thille Director, Open Learning Initiative - Carnegie Mellon University Financial and Intellectual Support provided by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
We may not have to reinvent the wheel, but we can make it better, adapt it to todays times, and tweak it to meet the needs of our students.
Its all about student learning! Learning results from what the student does and thinks and only from what the student does and thinks. The teacher can advance learning only by influencing what the student does to learn. Herbert Simon
OLI Goals Develop exemplars of scientifically based online courses and course materials that enact instruction and support instructors Provide open access to these courses and materials Develop a community of use that contributes to the evaluation, iterative improvement, and ongoing growth of the courses and materials.
Oh, okay. Um, I'm not really sure if- do I need to uh we can just, like, graph it, right? Uh line plot, I guess. … oh, uh histograms, bar charts maybe a boxplot? Uh, no... Uh, uh histogram, um data table, um…in statistics class that always worked when you got stuck, just make a boxplot, and see what happened. So uh, I'll boxplot them, um, y by x. [bleep] Uh oh, it says the variable rank has 30 categories, shall I continue? Usually that was bad, so I cancel that, because it shouldn't come out like that… Transcript of Student Solving Data Analysis Problem:
The OLI Statistics Course
What is a Cognitive Tutor? A computerized learning environment whose design is based on cognitive principles and whose interaction with students is based on that of a (human) tutori.e., making comments when the student errs, answering questions about what to do next, and maintaining a low profile when the student is performing well.
Feedback Loops
The OLI students completed course in 8 weeks with 2 class mtgs/week. Traditional students completed the course in 15 weeks with 4 class mtgs/week. OLI & traditional students spent the same amount of time in a given week on Statistics outside of class The OLI students gained much more (on the CAOS test) than did the traditional controls There was no significant difference in retention between OLI students and traditional students in tests given 1+ semesters later. Summary of Accelerated Learning Study
Concerns with the Current Course At Santa Ana Community College Pass Rates Lack of Conceptual Understanding and Lack of the Ability to Apply the Concepts Students Having the Most Trouble are the Least Likely to Ask Questions or Seek Help from the Instructor Students Dont Complete Assignments
OLI Statistics Course Focus on Conceptual Understanding Instead of Computation Rich with Interesting Applications Hands-On Assessments with Feedback Supports the Use of Minitab Software
What Im Finding Takes Time to Acclimate Students Students Resist a Change in Teaching Style from Teacher-Centered to Student-Centered Students Need to be Shown How to Self-Assess their Understanding Takes Time for Other Faculty to Buy-In to Change
How Im Adapting the Online Materials Using Tutor Tools to Write Assessments Modified Course from just Did I Get This? to Did I Get This Yet? Did I Get This Yet?
How Im Adapting the Course Materials Adding Daily Problems Based Upon Student Feedback Adding Weekly Additional Problems for Students to Complete on Their Own Adding More Lab Activities Without Automated Feedback
Additional Examples Of Re-use CSU – Stat course replace textbook and Lecture – use class time for collaborative lab work. A US virtual high school - AP Stat A small US medical school - second year graduate students University in Qatar – StatTutor supplements intro stats – cultural adaptation translation University in Colombia – combine OLI Statistics and CSR – redesign quantitative methods curriculum CSU – Replace textbook in large lecture course – rewrite exercises to create version in R
Improvement in post-secondary education will require converting teaching from a solo sport to a community-based research activity. Herbert Simon