Eugenics and Education: Institutionalized Ideology Ann Gibson Winfield
Intellectual history: Plato and Aristotle Great Chain of Being - Every existing thing has its place – divinely inspired – in a hierarchical order. Social Darwinism – application of ‘survival of the fittest’ to human society. ‘Eugenics’ – coined by Sir Francis Galton in 1889.
Eugenics is … “The science of improvement of the human germ plasm through better breeding” (Galton 1889). “The application of human intelligence to human evolution” (Wiggam 1924).
Historical Context early twentieth century Immigration Poverty Jim Crow South Industrial Revolution Labor Unrest FEAR
Eugenic Goals Positive Eugenics Negative Eugenics Sterilization Immigration Restriction Marriage Restriction Eugenically undesirable persons included ‘blind, insane, feebleminded, epileptics, paupers, alcoholics, tramps, prostitutes, beggars, unmarried mothers, morons, imbecile, idiots, sexual deviants, children who masturbate, and criminals” Popenoe 1918 p. 42)
Use of: Scientific caché Progressive idealism – “making the world a better place” (through racial cleansing) Utopian narrative
Dissemination and Popular Culture Lecture Circuits Plays Pamphlets Displays Books Curriculum State Fairs Contests Churches Social Services Health Groups Philanthropy Boy/Girl Scouts Medicine YMCA/YWCA Carnegie/Rockefeller
Eugenic Beliefs Heredity and Ability Race and Degeneracy Immigration, Crime and Poverty Sterilization and Marriage Restriction
Defining and Classifying Idiots – unable to develop full speech and have a mental age below age three Imbeciles – unable to master written language and range from three to seven in mental age Morons – the most dangerous to unsuspecting ‘normal’ people – a.k.a. “high grade defective” Feebleminded – anyone who didn’t fit into the long list of other classifications.
Education Focus shifts Compulsory education Education as a moral solution
Early Curriculum Efficiency and Waste Child Study and Emotion Direct Dominant Ideals Control Indigents and Defectives Eugenic Worth Usefulness
School Practices Tracking Ability Grouping Vocational Education Gifted and Talented Education Health and Hygiene Sex Ed SAT/GRE
IQ Test Recruits