Structured Learning Assistance, Supporting Core Mathematics Courses Serving Students with Mathematics Deficiencies at APSU
Austin Peay State University Clarksville, Tennessee A Tennessee Board of Regents University Purpose of Project: Reduce time and cost for students while improving satisfactory completion, retention, and graduation rates Pre-redesign course structure: Lecture based DSPM courses followed by core mathematics course ( ) Computer-Based Delivery (My MATH Lab) ( ) Project status: 4 th semester of pilot Funded with grant from TN Board of Regents FIPSE grant Chosen by NCAT as 6 th National Model
Impetus for Redesign TN Board of Regents State-Wide Redesign of Developmental Studies-- forget the focus on high school deficiency; place students in courses needed for their majors and provide the support for them to succeed At APSU Unsatisfactory performance in non-university level (developmental) mathematics Unsatisfactory retention-to-graduation rates Developmental courses no longer correlated with university mathematics core courses
Why Initiate a Redesign? 43.5 % of APSU students entered the university with a mathematics deficiency Lower retention rate for students with deficiencies (56.6% vs. 69.7%) Cost of developmental courses State University Students
The Redesign Team FacultyAPSU Mathematics Department Professional Staff Registrar Institutional Research & Effectiveness Instructional Specialist, Academic Support Center Human Resources Administration Dean, Enrollment Management & Academic Support
Pre-redesign Model (Math) DSPM 0800 Elementary Algebra ACT % success rate DSPM 0850 Intermediate Algebra ACT Completed DSPM % success rate Math 1010 Mathematical Thought and Practice 85.0% success rate Math 1530 Statistics 56.2% success rate
Linked Workshop Model Professor: Classroom Core course content Grade determination SLA Leader: Workshop Prerequisite competencies Reinforce key course concepts Test review Guidance Feedback
Results Student Success Rates Pre-redesignPost-redesign Math %70.5% Math %51.9% Note: The pre-redesign success rates are calculated based on placement levels and success rates in DSP and core courses. Assumption: The success rate for the DSP courses is equal to the probability of a random student passing the course. The post-redesign success rates are observed results.
Results 2006 Cohort (Pre-redesign) 2007 Cohort (Post-redesign) FTFT students entering with a mathematics deficiency Retention rate59.9%63.6%
Results Cost / Earning Comparison Pre-redesign DSP Course Core CourseEnhanced Course Cost / student$143$202$247 Tuition$321$756 Difference$178$554$509 SLA reduced class space requirements by 70 hours / week.
Challenges Technology Student familiarization/ access Banner Personnel Faculty Recruiting Hold harmless during pilot SLA Leaders Recruiting Training Other Balancing the course demand Students needing pre-calculus for major
Department of Mathematics Dr. Nell Rayburn, Professor of Mathematics Enrollment Management and Academic Support Services Dr. Harriett McQueen (member, TN Board of Regents Task Force for Redesign of Developmental Studies) APSU Contacts