Plant Diversity Chapter 20
Why are plants important? MM edicine FF ood CC onvert abiotic to biotic CC reate habitats MM odify the climate SS tabilize the soil
Cladogram for plants
What adaptations allowed plants to come on to land? PP ollen grain CC uticle SS tomata mm ycorrhizae VV ascular tissue Xylem phloem
Diversity of Plants
Bryophytes Moss, liverworts, hornworts First land plants No true roots, stems, or leaves Contain no vascular tissue Rhizoids instead of roots Gametophyte is the dominant generation Require water for reproduction
Ferns Spore Bearing Plants Contains vascular tissue Evolved 350 million years ago Live in moist, acidic environments Created coal deposits Sporophyte dominant generation
Anatomy of a Fern Fiddlehead a baby frond
Gymnosperms conifers, cycads, ginkgos MMost ancient of the seed plants SSeeds lack protective outer coating
Conifers- evergreens Live in sandy soil, in a cool moist environment Roots spread out over a large shallow area Needlelike leaves covered with a thick waxy cuticle
Angiosperms The Flowering Plants 90% of all land plants Seeds are enclosed inside a protective fruit
Broken into two categories