MOST COST-EFFICIENT BRAND OF BAKING SODA Keerthana Sundar, Deepa Selveraj, Desiree Chew and Amanda Lee from 211
Introduction The purpose of this Research Studies project is to find out the most cost-efficient brand of baking soda. This knowledge we acquire will be helpful to professional bakers and others who frequently use baking soda so that they can maximize the money spent on the baking soda. We chose to embark on this project as we realised that many people nowadays use baking soda, without realising the science behind it, and how to maximise their money.
Research Questions How do you determine the most cost-effective baking soda? Which brand of baking soda is the most cost- effective? How does baking soda work? What are the differences between baking powder and baking soda?
Hypothesis The greater the concentration of sodium bicarbonate in the baking soda, the more effective it is, for lesser amount of baking soda is needed to be used.
Brands that we used Arm and Hammer Bake King
Background Information – what is baking soda? sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) When mixed with acid liquid, releases carbon dioxide, which causes fizzing. NaHCO3 + H > Na+ + H20 + CO2 (soda) (acid) (sodium) (water) (gas) Recipes that use baking soda for leavening always have an acidic ingredient.
Difference between baking soda and powder Baking SodaBaking Powder IngredientsSodium Bicarbonatecombination of baking soda and a few other ingredients, and most importantly a dry acid Type-1) Double-acting - The first "action" occurs when baking powder is wet -The second "action" occurs when baking powder is heated 2) Single-acting Required for reaction to occur AcidWet ingredients (dry acid and baking soda will react)
Methodology Back Titration: - We added 40 ml of 0.2 M Hydrochloric acid (HCl) to 0.2 g of baking soda to react the baking soda. - The excess acid which had not been reacted is then titrated using sodium hydroxide (alkaline) Titration: - Releasing alkaline from a burette to excess acid + screened methyl orange (indicator) in a beaker - when the indicator turns green, it shows that the excess acid has completely reacted
Methodology Advantages of using titration/back titration: - gives us the exact readings that are extremely accurate as a burette is used
Methodology The lesser the alkaline needed to react with excess NaCO3, the more cost effective the baking soda This is because the amount of acid in the baking soda is higher in order to have reacted with a larger portion of the 40ml hydrochloric acid Higher amount of acid larger concentration of NaCO3 the more effective the baking soda Reacted NaCO3 – amount of acid in baking soda Excess unreacted NaCO3 Alkaline needed to react with excess NaCO3
Data Analysis