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Presentation transcript:


What did life look like on Earth 1 billion years ago? 1) What organisms were around and where were they? Algae in the oceans 2) What was on land at the time?

What were the benefits of moving on to land? 1) More sunlight 2) Lack of competition and predation 3) More carbon dioxide (CO 2 )

What was the biggest challenge to surviving on land? Drying out from lack of water

What did the first land plants look like? What are some of the simplest plants that you can think of? Mosses (Bryophytes) First evolved: 450 million years ago Adaptation: Cuticle Waxy layer to prevent water loss

Growing Tall Why would there be incentive for a plant to grow tall? What did our first forests look like? Ferns First evolved: 360 million years ago Adaptation: Vascular system Transport water and nutrients

Surviving through space and time What happens if there is a prolonged drought? How are some plants able to come back to an area if they all die? Gymnosperms (Such as conifers) First evolved: 320 million years ago Adaptation: Seeds Survive drought and disperse

Interacting with animals Where do some plants put there seeds in order to attract animals? What structure on some plants turns into fruits? Angiosperms (flowering plants) First evolved: 125 million years ago Adaptation: Flowers and Fruits Pollination and dispersal

Our Evolutionary Timeline 1 Billion years ago 450 million 360 million 320 million 125 million Mosses Cuticle to prevent water loss Ferns Vascular system for transport Gymnosperms Seeds to survive drought and move Angiosperms Fruits and flowers for pollination and moving