GS1 Cooperation in Europe focused on quality of information in supply chain Pierre Georget for GS1 Slovakia
2 Increase collaboration between GS1 organisation to serve better the users GS1 in Europe Electronic Commerce Harmonisation Barcode Harmonisation Bring supports to European Organisation and users Collaborate to strengthen lobbying activities Collaborate to strengthen marketing activities Collaborate to leverage European contribution into the global standardisation process Visit for more information!
3 GS1 in Europe GS1 in Europe is a regional collaboration by European MOs in GS1 41 members of GS1 in Europe with the common objective Implementation of GS1 standards and solutions across Europe Users require European MOs to work together to prevent divergencies The European Union is a single market The European Union has 27 members
4 Members of GS1 in Europe 1. Armenia 2. Austria 3. Azerbaijan 4. Belarus 5. Belgium & Luxembourg 6. Bosnia Herzegovina 7. Bulgaria 8. Croatia 9. Cyprus 10. Czech Republic 11. Denmark 12. Estonia 13. Finland 14. France 15. Georgia 16. Germany 17. Greece 18. Hungary 19. Iceland 20. Ireland 21. Italy 22. Kazakhstan 23. Kyrgyzstan 24. Latvia 25. Lithuania 26. Macedonia 27. Moldova 28. Netherlands 29. Norway 30. Poland 31. Portugal 32. Rumania 33. Russia 34. Serbia & Montenegro 35. Slovakia 36. Slovenia 37. Spain 38. Sweden 39. Switzerland 40. United Kingdom 41. Ukraine …..and more to come….
5 GS1 in Europe figures GDP: € Population: GS1 membership: companies
6 GS1 in Europe organisation
7 The supply chain business processes
8 The benefits of global standards in the supply chain
9 Electronic commerce harmonisation EANCOM harmonisation OORDERS DESADV EANCOM documentation Paperless INVOIC for 8 countries, soon 11 Maintenance by the GS1 in Europe Ecom group
10 Barcode harmonisation GS1 128 Logistic Label GS1 128 European guidelines GS1 128 education software on GS1 Databar survey and supporting the GO program FN’V identification
11 Bring supports to MO and Users EEP, European EPC Program EAP, EPC Adoption Program GDSN GS1 in Europe Projects a report : « the status of GDSN in Europe and challenges to future GDSN growth » downloadable from a quaterly survey on GDSN implementation survey the « étoile» project e-government program GPC – Global Product Classification Healthcare Waste management
12 Lobbying activities With the help of Pléon (lobbying office in brussels) Increase the recognition of GS1 within the EU commission and Parliament To promote the role of GS1 standard in the implementation of new technologies (RFID, Electronic commerce) in Europe To defend economical interest of supply chain actors Develop European founded projects FP7 projects
13 Marketing activities To coordinate marketing approach Traceability Healthcare Waste management eCom EPC Consumer Electronics E-government To promote GS1 towards European organisations ECR Europe CEN (European Standardisation Committee) FEDYIMA (DIY) UN/CEFACT CEC (EU Confederation of footwear industry) Euratex (European Apparel and Textile Organisation)
14 Collaborate to better contribute to GS1 global standardisation process ELS - European Leverage Support- To maximise the extent to which the functional requirements of European companies are met by GS1 standards To maximise the effectiveness of resources from GS1 in Europe MOs in GSMP To increase European involvement in GSMP (Global Standard Maintenance Process) To leverage the involvement of staff and users To advise GS1 in Europe on ad hoc issues relating to GSMP ” Contributing to community standards is a great way to convey a positive image and to be seen to be acting in the interests of industry at large.”
15 Business Information on tap for GS1 users in Europe
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