Proposal to extend the PULMAN Network to countries bordering the European Union and its candidate states (under the 8th Call of IST FP5) New partners: -Russia -Turkey Countries represented by Country Co- ordinators: -Albania, Belarus, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Yugoslavia and Ukraine
AIM OF THE PROJECT PULMAN Network is strategically placed to stimulate and promote best practice in digital services and practices of public libraries and cultural organisations at the local and regional level throughout Europe and in neighbouring countries
DURATION OF PROJECT Work under PULMAN-XT started on 15 June 2002 with a Kick-off Meeting held in Istanbul PULMAN-XT will run for 14 months with the goal of extending the benefits of the PULMAN Network and initiating new activities
ACTIVITIES FOR EXTENSION MEMBERS Translating PULMAN Guidelines Holding the NATIONAL WORKSHOPS Lobbying among Policy Makers, Practitioners, etc Having Support Groups and Key Players Participating in the PULMAN POLICY CONFERENCE (Oeiras, Portugal March 2002) Translating and Disseminating Oeiras MANIFESTO Training Workshops Embarking Institutional Mentoring and Twinning
PULMANWEB PULMANWeb –Country profiles –PulmanExpress Newsletter –Database of Educational Materials –News –Links –Info on Country Coordinators –PULMAN Guidelines and more … “Access point and reference tool for professionals and policy makers”
NATIONAL COMMITTEE It was the first time that a national committee was set up for an international project The Committee was initiated with the approval of Ministry of Culture The Project was accepted and supported at a very high level The Committee brought people together from all different sectors
SUPPORT GROUPS (1) The Project was taken as a national task to be completed with the support of the entire library community The Project team established a strong relationship with many people and institutions to have their support It was the first time to have such cooperation between public libraries and other institutions This contributed a lot in creating a different conception and atmosphere for public libraries
SUPPORT GROUPS (2) General Directorate of Libraries Turkish Librarians’ Association Headquarter Turkish Librarians’ Association Istanbul Branch Innovative Library Initiatives Promotion Group- ILIPG -Information and Document Management Departments at universities -Cultural centers in Istanbul (Goethe Institute, the British Council, French Institute, Cervantes Institute, American Information Resource Center) -Universities (Koc University, Istanbul Technical University, etc.)
KICK-OFF MEETING The PULMAN-XT Project started with the Kick-off Meeting held in Istanbul, June 2002 The meeting was attended by the official representative from the Ministry of Culture as well as by the public librarians working in Istanbul
TRANSLATION of DGM The translation of the Digital Guidelines Manual (DGM) is a big achievement within the Project It was translated by a voluntary group from Koc University Library and edited by Selma Aslan TLA put this document on its web page to make it available for the whole library community in Turkey
NATIONAL WORKSHOP 110 people from public libraries, university libraries, cultural centers, museums, archives and university departments of information management 18 sessions were held in order to discuss the guidelines thoroughly 18 guidelines were adopted for Turkish public libraries and some actions were decided
TRAINING PROGRAMS 4 public librarians sent to Veria, Greece for training and mentoring programs First international visit and proved to be a good opportunity for exchanging ideas and experience with other librarians Two librarians were sent to the language courses by Goethe Institute and the British Council One librarian was also sent to Germany for a three-month training program Courses on computers and Internet will be organised for librarians in September 2003
PILOT LIBRARIES (1) Choosing pilot libraries and evaluating them as models for automation transition in the light of the PULMAN guidelines Preparing the feasibility report on the pilot libraries and discussing it during the National Workshop Submitting the report to the Ministry of Culture
PILOT LIBRARIES (2) Receiving very positive and supportive attitudes towards the work Working closely with the General Director of Libraries to identify and reach sponsors Looking for some other funds to be used in the Project
OUTCOMES (1) Created an awareness towards public libraries Important international cooperation opportunity for public librarians Cooperation between public and other types of libraries/institutions Positive approaches from the officials extended to public libraries
OUTCOMES (2) The main product - Turkish version of the DGM Held discussions on public librarians related topics, and accepted basic guidelines during the National Workshop Developed the Pilot Project including three main public libraries in different cities
OUTCOMES (3) Training programs for public library staff on technology, both in the country and abroad Established idea of creating projects for public libraries Published all the news on the progress of the project in the national librarianship resources
OUTCOMES (4) At the end, it was proved that we need much closer cooperation with archives and museums in order to share the resources and their contents!
DIFFICULTIES in the PROJECT Changes in the government and in its bodies, AND Bureaucratic process which works too slowly, set barriers for the Project
CONCLUSION AND FUTURE (1) Moving from centralized administration to local authorities Librarianship schools (Documentation and Information Management departments at three universities) – Professional librarians at Public Libraries Projects – PULMAN-XT, CALIMERA?
CONCLUSION AND FUTURE (2) Developing the strategies for public libraries Cooperating with other type of libraries (school, university, special libraries), archives, museums Supporting innovative library services Having public/private sectors’ support Seeking for politicians’ support Carrying the project ? 6FP?
PULMAN-XT Turkish Web