I WAS ALWAYS TOO BUSY, AM I TOO LATE? Does the lack of parent involvement lead to ethical and moral decline in adolescents?
Facts about adolescent characteristic development……….3 Moral & Ethical Characteristics…………………………………...4 Does it take a village to raise a child? Effects of “uninvolved parenting style”………………………....6 Reasons why teens turn to bad behavior………………………7 Who are raising our kids? Mothers participating in the workforce ………………………..9 Works Cited………………………………………………………….10 2
In order for adolescents to face ethical realities and personal choices in the 21 st century, they must develop a sound moral reasoning to be empowered to embrace the worthy adventure of living a moral, ethical Life! This is very important in the critical years of adolescence. Especially in the 21 st century, teens are more and more isolated from adults due to crammed schedules of both and the increased dependence of technology such as i-pads, Mp3 players and internet access. It is important for adolescents to have strong role models. A generous commitment of time is crucial to “mentoring” our youth. Primary communities that help to develop moral characteristics in adolescence are: family communities, school communities, faith communities & various civic communities. 3
Integrity Kuttner, J. F. (1997). Nuturing Ethical Values in the 21st Century Adolescent. Renewing the Vision; A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry. 4
“we have learned that to raise a happy, healthy and hopeful child, it takes a family, it takes teachers, it takes clergy, it takes business people, it takes community leaders, it takes those who protect our health and safety, it takes all of us.” Hillary Clinton Speech August 27,
Development of a sense of unimportance to the parent Becomes emotionally withdrawn from school situations Develops a sense of loneliness Shows patterns of truancy in school Patterns of delinquency during adolescence Prone to develop fear, stress and anxiety disorders Develops a low self-esteem Lacks Self-control High chance of addiction to drugs and alcohol Often demonstrates defiance to authority figures such as, parents, teachers, and other adults Effects of the "Uninvolved Parenting Style" Walton, S. (2012). The Positive Parenting Centre. Retrieved from The Positive Parenting Centre: 6
"BEFORE YOU GO AND CRITICIZE THE YOUNGER GENERATION, JUST REMEMBER WHO RAISED THEM." - UNKNOWN The developing brain can cause teenagers to engage in more anti social and reckless behavior than adults. Dangerous addictions can seem exciting to the sensitive teenage brain. Stress Hormones Peer Pressure Divorce Lack of Parent Involvement Bullying Search for Their Identity Survival Entitlement Self Image Worries 7
Parents Grandparents & Other family Daycare Centers Schools & Teachers Friends & Peers Television & Music Video Games & Technology Hersch, P. (1998). A Tribe Apart: A Journey into the Heart of American Adolescence. New York: The Ballantine Publishing Group. 8
Mothers participating in the workforce 69.9% With children under 18 years With children 6-17 years With children under 6 years Mothers of infants 74.7% 61.1%57.3% 63.9% With children under 3 years Labor, U. S. (2014, November). United States Department of Labor. Retrieved from 9
Hersch, P. (1998). A Tribe Apart: A Journey into the Heart of American Adolecense. New York: The Ballantine Publishing Group. Kuttner, J. F. (1997). Nuturing Ethical Values in the 21st Century Adolescent. Renewing the Vision; A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry. Labor, U. S. (2014, November). United States Department of Labor. Retrieved from Walton, S. (2012). The Positive Parenting Centre. Retrieved from The Positive Parenting Centre: centre.com/uninvolved_parenting_style.html 10