LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, LEGIS: Intensive Programme on Legal Aspects of Information Society Selahattin Kuru Işık University
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, identity Programme: Erasmus LLP (Lifelong Learning Programme) Type of activity: IP (Intensive Programme) Duration: 3 years Supporting national agency: Turkey
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, partners Işık University, Turkey (Coordinator) University of Zaragoza, Spain, University of Warwick, UK, Vienna University, Austria, Queen’s University of Belfast, UK, Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, University of Wrocklaw, Poland, Mykolas Romieris University, Lithuania, Orebro University, Sweden
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, technical programme: topics Globalisation and engineering ethics Data protection / e-signature Regulation of e-government Telecommunications law E-commerce Globalisation and technologies Globalisation / open source IPR Cybercrime / e-democracy Project
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, technical programme: lecturers Fernando Galindo Ioannis Iglezakis Mathias Klang Ewa Galewska Manuel Masseno Erich Schweighofer Abdul Paliwala Philip Leith Rimantas Petrauskas Selahattin Kuru
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, students Total of 36 students 3 from Spain 3 from Portugal 5 from UK 6 from Austria 7 from Greece 3 from Sweden 3 from Poland 3 from Lithuania 3 from Turkey
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, format lecture + workshop + project every day except for the last: lecture in the morning workshop in early afternoon workshop presentation in late afternoon project: throughout the intensive programme
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, workshops workshop on a different topic every day workshop groups of 3-4 students intercultural dimension: no more than one student from one country in a group New groups for each workshop each student was required to participate in a total of 7 workshops out of a total of 9 each group had 2 hours for group discussion and work to prepare a presentation (on the same day, in the afternoon) each group presented its workshop result in a 10- minute presentation in the plenary in the afternoon
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, project Groups of 3-4 students for a project topic Group formation rule is the same as for workshops, i.e. no more than one from one country Project topics are assigned early in the first week Deliverables were project report (10-30 pages long), presentation slides, and presentation itself 2 submissions of the report: draft report at the beginning of the second week, and final report one day to the last day in the presentations each group had 5 minutes per member and 5 minutes for questions and discussion presentations done the last day
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, evaluation Each workshop is marked by the lecturer of the topic of the day on a group basis on a scale of 0 to 4 The project is evaluated by one lecturer present the last day (Leith, Petrauskas or Kuru), on a group basis for the report and on an individual basis for individual presentations Students evaluated their peers (peer evaluation) for the project similarly with lecturers, i.e. project on a group basis and presentations on an individual basis
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, ECTS credits Students will earn 10 ECTS credits, which is offered as two courses from the current course catalogue of Işık University. The course are ‘CSE587 Special Topics in Computer Engineering: Legal Aspects of Information Society’, and ‘CSE588 Special Topics in Computer Engineering: Project on Legal Aspects of Information Society’ Grade reports and transcripts are to be issued by the registrar’s office of Işık University
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, Grading The grade to be obtained from the workshops is for the course CSE587 Special Topics in Computer Engineering: Legal Aspects of Information Society The grade to be obtained from project is for the course CSE588 Special Topics in Computer Engineering: Project on Legal Aspects of Information Society Letter grades used at Işık University for graduate course: AA (4 out of 4) BA (3.5 out of 4) BB (3 out of 4) CB (2.5 out of 4) CC (2 out of 4) F (fail, 0 out of 4)
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, Social programme Visit to Istanbul old city Boat tour on the Bosphorus Visit to Sile Visit to Ortakoy (Istanbul) Parties on campus
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, Dissemination LEGIS poster (A4 and A3) distributed to partners 3 LEGIS newspapers distributed to students LEGIS web site News release
LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, Evaluation of IP by students An extensive questionnaire was used to collect input from students for improving LEGIS in the coming years Early results show that the students were very satisfied with the intensive programme both in technical sense and socially Nevertheless students identified several points for improvement