LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, 20071 LEGIS: Intensive Programme on Legal Aspects of Information Society Selahattin Kuru Işık.


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Presentation transcript:

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, LEGIS: Intensive Programme on Legal Aspects of Information Society Selahattin Kuru Işık University

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, identity  Programme: Erasmus LLP (Lifelong Learning Programme)  Type of activity: IP (Intensive Programme)  Duration: 3 years  Supporting national agency: Turkey

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, partners  Işık University, Turkey (Coordinator)  University of Zaragoza, Spain,  University of Warwick, UK,  Vienna University, Austria,  Queen’s University of Belfast, UK,  Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal,  Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece,  University of Wrocklaw, Poland,  Mykolas Romieris University, Lithuania,  Orebro University, Sweden

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, technical programme: topics  Globalisation and engineering ethics  Data protection / e-signature  Regulation of e-government  Telecommunications law  E-commerce  Globalisation and technologies  Globalisation / open source  IPR  Cybercrime / e-democracy  Project

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, technical programme: lecturers  Fernando Galindo  Ioannis Iglezakis  Mathias Klang  Ewa Galewska  Manuel Masseno  Erich Schweighofer  Abdul Paliwala  Philip Leith  Rimantas Petrauskas  Selahattin Kuru

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, students  Total of 36 students 3 from Spain 3 from Portugal 5 from UK 6 from Austria 7 from Greece 3 from Sweden 3 from Poland 3 from Lithuania 3 from Turkey

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, format  lecture + workshop + project  every day except for the last: lecture in the morning workshop in early afternoon workshop presentation in late afternoon  project: throughout the intensive programme

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, workshops  workshop on a different topic every day  workshop groups of 3-4 students  intercultural dimension: no more than one student from one country in a group  New groups for each workshop  each student was required to participate in a total of 7 workshops out of a total of 9  each group had 2 hours for group discussion and work to prepare a presentation (on the same day, in the afternoon)  each group presented its workshop result in a 10- minute presentation in the plenary in the afternoon

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, project  Groups of 3-4 students for a project topic  Group formation rule is the same as for workshops, i.e. no more than one from one country  Project topics are assigned early in the first week  Deliverables were project report (10-30 pages long), presentation slides, and presentation itself  2 submissions of the report: draft report at the beginning of the second week, and final report one day to the last day  in the presentations each group had 5 minutes per member and 5 minutes for questions and discussion  presentations done the last day

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, evaluation  Each workshop is marked by the lecturer of the topic of the day on a group basis on a scale of 0 to 4  The project is evaluated by one lecturer present the last day (Leith, Petrauskas or Kuru), on a group basis for the report and on an individual basis for individual presentations  Students evaluated their peers (peer evaluation) for the project similarly with lecturers, i.e. project on a group basis and presentations on an individual basis

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, ECTS credits  Students will earn 10 ECTS credits, which is offered as two courses from the current course catalogue of Işık University.  The course are ‘CSE587 Special Topics in Computer Engineering: Legal Aspects of Information Society’, and ‘CSE588 Special Topics in Computer Engineering: Project on Legal Aspects of Information Society’  Grade reports and transcripts are to be issued by the registrar’s office of Işık University

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, Grading  The grade to be obtained from the workshops is for the course CSE587 Special Topics in Computer Engineering: Legal Aspects of Information Society  The grade to be obtained from project is for the course CSE588 Special Topics in Computer Engineering: Project on Legal Aspects of Information Society  Letter grades used at Işık University for graduate course: AA (4 out of 4) BA (3.5 out of 4) BB (3 out of 4) CB (2.5 out of 4) CC (2 out of 4) F (fail, 0 out of 4)

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, Social programme  Visit to Istanbul old city  Boat tour on the Bosphorus  Visit to Sile  Visit to Ortakoy (Istanbul)  Parties on campus

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, Dissemination  LEGIS poster (A4 and A3) distributed to partners  3 LEGIS newspapers distributed to students  LEGIS web site  News release

LEFIS General Assembly Meeting, Wroclaw, September 17-18, Evaluation of IP by students  An extensive questionnaire was used to collect input from students for improving LEGIS in the coming years  Early results show that the students were very satisfied with the intensive programme both in technical sense and socially  Nevertheless students identified several points for improvement