Economic and Family Services Updates April 30, 2015 David Locklear, Chief Betsy Moore, Program Manager
Food and Nutrition Services COMPARISON OF FFY 2013 & 2014 ERROR RATES ACTIVE CASES NEGATIVE CASES MONTH FY 2014 FY 2013 October 3.26% 2.17% 72.22% 38.10% November 3.42% 2.11% 68.97% 41.25% December 3.01% 2.89% 75.00% 44.92% January 2.80% 2.77% 74.60% 53.16% February 3.22% 3.18% 67.90% 57.51% March 3.94% 3.75% 71.43% 59.66% April 4.46% 4.15% 70.43% 63.89% May 4.35% 4.36% 67.32% 67.08% June 4.67% 4.34% 63.58% 68.68% July 4.73% 4.51% 62.56% 68.91% August 4.98% 4.43% 61.98% 68.86% September 4.75% 61.21% 69.32%
Case and Procedural Error Rate (CAPER) Continue to be on corrective action with USDA Case file reviews completed by DHHS Corrective Action Plans Requested Follow Up Federal Tolerance rate is less than 1% 49.43%, currently 52nd in the Nation
Processing Timeliness Rates FY 2014 TIMELY APPLICATION PROCESSING QC Review Month # OF APPS TOTAL # OF MONTHLY % CUMULATIVE % TIMELY NOT TIMELY APPLICATIONS Oct-13 3 100.00% 0.00% Nov-13 6 1 7 85.71% 14.29% 90.00% Dec-13 9 66.67% 33.33% 78.95% Jan-14 11 5 16 68.75% 31.25% 74.29% Feb-14 22 50.00% 64.91% Mar-14 19 8 27 70.37% 29.63% Apr-14 21 26 80.77% 19.23% 70.00% May-14 23 32 71.88% 28.13% 70.42% Jun-14 10 37 72.97% 27.03% 70.95% Jul-14 35 77.14% 22.86% 71.96% Aug-14 24 29 82.76% 17.24% 73.25% Sep-14 28 12 40 30.00% 72.79% TOTALS 206 77 283
Processing Timeliness Rates Currently under corrective action with USDA Target rate is 100% but tolerance rate is at least 90% Timeliness rate is based on QC data
FNS Management Evaluation Most Common Findings 2014-15 FFY Timeliness Keying Apps and Recerts within 3 business days DSS-8650 not being sent for Interviews Hearing and Appeal Request Customer complaint tracking logs
WFFA Drug Testing Update Social Services Commission Public Hearing held on April 15, 2015 Received (3) Proposals (currently reviewing and scoring) Draft Policy completed and being reviewed internally and by the AG’s Office Policy will be shared with Economic Benefits Committee for review NC FAST enhancements in progress Target Implementation Date July 1, 2015
Work First Updates Work First Program and Head Start Collaboration 2 counties (Craven and Wake) received awards from Head Start to develop a collaboration model. Both counties along with Head Start and a WF Representative will be attending the Federal Head Start meeting in Atlanta Ga, June 2015 to present this collaboration. Work Force Development and Work First Collaboration 3 – 6 months meetings at the state level Encouraging counties to continue to collaborate at the local level TANF State Planning for 2016 – 2019 SFY 2015/2016 Surveys due back to the Division by May 31, 2015 7 Electing Counties – Beaufort, Caldwell, Catawba, Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, Wilson. All plans have been submitted and are being reviewed.
Work First Updates Work First Monitoring Desk Top monitoring being completed for some counties in order to meet the June 30, 2015 monitoring completion deadline for WF Signature of Guided Interview not completed Job Bonus – not offered and when offered not keyed OVS – Not documented or checked CAP child not coded correctly – CROP in some counties Counties are not checking the IV-Non Cooperation Report – Major Finding if compliance not met Outcome Plans not completed in NCFAST; Work Component Activities not entered; and participation hours not entered in NCFAST Documentation for Work Activity hours not provided Strength and Needs Form not completed timely EBT monitoring – is being completed to ensure appropriate use of the EBT card for WF. WF/TANF EBT Report due at the Federal level - September 2015
Able Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWD) Waiver NC ABAWD Waiver extended until December 31, 2015 Received notification from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities -73 counties potentially eligible for ABAWD Waiver after December 31, 2015 Follow up conversations with the Department and Directors Association It is
FNS Employment and Training Current Plan Proposals Division of Workforce Solutions provides E&T service – State Contracts Community Partner provides E&T service – County Contracts DSS provides E&T service
FNS Nutrition Education SNAP-ED: RFA Process – upcoming year will have 11 partners covering all 100 counties Farmer Market Sign-up Events : Greenville(22), Louisburg(28), Greensboro(52), Raleigh(20), Rocky Mt(6), Fayetteville(32) Upcoming events – Charlotte & Western NC
Energy Updates New Performance Measures Collect 1 year of data from heat & electric vendors: Gather more information at interview New Vendor Agreements Discussions with Vendors
Office of Economic Opportunity The Office of Economic Opportunity, formerly known as the State Economic Opportunity Office, was established in 1966 to provide training and technical assistance to Community Action Agencies. In 1981 the Office was assigned the responsibility of administering the federal Community Services Block Grant Program. The Office is currently housed within the Division of Social Services, Economic and Family Services Section. The Office previously administered the Emergency Shelter Grants Program (ESGP) relocated to the Division of Aging & Adult Services and the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) relocated to the Division of Energy and Natural Resources.
OEO’s Goals & Objectives Advocate for low-income families Increase the number of families attaining economic self-sufficiency Decrease Homelessness Build sub-grantee and community capacity to plan, develop, deliver and sustain services Develop partnerships and collaborate with department divisions Ensure results-based performance through monitoring, assessment and evaluation
Our Sub-Grantee Agencies 34 Community Action Agencies (1 Local Government) 4 Limited Purpose Agencies (1 State Government)
Refugee Anyone eligible for the Refugee Program is a Qualified Alien exempt from the 5 year wait for all other programs Families with minor children are eligible for Work First, NOT RCA/RMA. RCA is for single adults (18+) & couples who do not have minor children. A reminder was included in the 4/20/15 [Users.NCFAST] End User Postcard 4.37.0
Contact Information David Locklear, Chief Economic and Family Services 919-527-6311 (Office) 919-886-1985 (Cell) Betsy Moore, Program Manager Economic and Family Services 919-527-6316 (Office)