European Scholarships. Worldwide Opportunities.
Erasmus Mundus - objectives Enhance the quality of European HE through international co-operation Improve the development of human resources Promote dialogue and understanding between peoples and cultures Promote Europe as a centre of excellence in learning around the world
Erasmus Mundus - thematic disciplines Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning Art and Design Business Studies, Management Science Communication and Information Sciences Education, Teacher Training Engineering, Technology Geography, Earth and Environmental Studies Health Sciences Humanities Languages and Philological Sciences Law Mathematics, Informatics Natural Sciences Social and Cultural Sciences, Economics
What languages will you need? 85% of Erasmus Mundus courses are taught in English, but… …whatever the language of instruction, it is important to have the right level of linguistic ability, and… …one of the great advantages of Erasmus Mundus is the chance to enrol in tailor-made language courses, add to your skills and improve your employability
Come and study in Europe! Target Groups Stakholders ALRAKISALRAKIS IIMID 1 Students of member universities Yerevan State University Eurasia International University Yerevan State Medical University students Eurasia International University Yerevan State Medical University Eurasia Internation al University 2 Students of other universities 3 Nationals of the third-countries concerned by the geographical lot who arein particularly vulnerable situations, for political or economic reasonsor because of physical disabilities.
ALRAKIS Consortium Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, GermanyGrant Holder and Coordinator Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Poland Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain University of Tallin, EstoniaU niversità de Tuscia, Italy University of Graz, Austria KTH Stockholm, Sweden Ilia State University,South Caucasian Coordinator Georgian Technical University, Georgia Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia Akaki Tsereteli State University, Georgia Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia Yerevan State University, Georgia Eurasia International University, Armenia Yerevan State University, Armenia Yerevan State Medical University, Armenia Baku State University, Azerbaijan Qafqaz University, Azerbaijan Azerbaijan University of Languages, Azerbaijan
MID Partnership Coordinator: University of Turku, Finland Co-coordinator: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Humboldt University Berlin, Germany University of Algarve, Portugal University of Bologna, Italy University of Bordeaux 1, France University of Deusto, Spain Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Vilnius University, Lithuania Belarusian State University, Belarus Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Belarus Brest State University named after A. S. Pushkin, Belarus Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus Moldova State University, Moldova Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University, Ukraine Eurasia International University, Armenia Ilia State University, Georgia
Come and study in Europe! Important note Only students and staff of member universities may apply for undegraduate studies and staff mobility respectively! TG 2 students may apply for: - Master - PHD - Postdoc
Application Procedure The eligibility criteria for candidates are: Students must have the nationality of one of the third-countries covered by the relevant LOT and have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses; In order to be an elegible candidate, you must have not resided nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of the European countries.
Candidates need either to be registered in a university of the third-country concerned by the geographical LOT or to have obtained a diploma from a higher education institution of one of these third-countries. They will need to justify how this study period abroad will benefit them (and their direct socio- economical environment) and include letters of support in their individual application.
How do I apply? Go to the EIU website: OR visit the web pages of the consortia: ALRAKIS ALRAKIS II (is yet under construction) MID
How to apply? 1)Choose the course that you want to apply according to the “Academic fields” 2)Find the university among selected consortia 3)Fill in on-line application form
Documents required: Master : * Copy of international passport. * Copy of Bachelor Diploma (University degree leading to Master studies). * Transcript of records of University Studies. * Two letters of recommendation. * Additional documents may be requested by individual Host Universities after the selection.
Doctoral: * Copy of international passport. * Copy of Diplomas (Bachelor and Master) (University degree leading to PhD studies). * Transcript of records of University Studies. * Research plan/projects' outline should be presented by the applicant and previous contacts with the responsible. * Two letters of recommendation. * Additional documents may be requested by individual Host Universities after the selection.
Post-Doctoral: * Copy of international passport. * Copy of Doctorate Diploma. * Research plan. * Two letters of recommendation.
Come and study in Europe! ALRAKISALRAKIS application is open for - PhD exchange 12 months - PhD exchange 22 months - Postdoc 6 moths - Postdoc 10 months Deadline for applications is 10th of January, 2013 MID For all programs (master, PHD, Postdoc) Deadline for applications is 13 th of December, 2012 ALRAKIS II (is yet under construction) At the moment the call for the following consortia is open
Thank you… …and good luck!