November 26, 2007 Smart Card. Smart Travel. TransLink ® Parking Initiative Presentation to the TransLink ® Management Group Information Brief
2 In recent years, BART has moved to expand the daily revenue parking program Initial implementation of this program expansion utilized Addfare machines that required patrons to enter parking stall numbers This manual process created problems for the patron, was not user friendly, and did not facilitate a seamless process BART’s Board of Directors tasked BART staff with developing a more user friendly solution, possibly incorporating smart card technology Background
3 BART developed the smart card program to address the following: –Board of Directors concerns –Improve parking process –Allow multiple station parking –Allow multiple vehicle flexibility –Minimize need for Addfare stall parking –Provide a seamless solution for the customer Background
4 BART’s Smart Card Parking Program (Back Office Solution) Patron procures smart card for parking and transit Patron tags parking reader in Paid Area and payment is deducted PARKING TRANSIT PARKING BART BACK OFFICE Money is deducted from Parking account
5 In early 2007, MTC staff approached BART with a proposal to utilize a TransLink card for parking BART and MTC/ERG agreed on a parking application that would allow an effective transition to BART’s architecture some time in the future A more recent MTC/ERG proposal attempts to implement TransLink on BART’s parking application much earlier than anticipated MTC’s Proposal
6 MTG has proposed a two-part MTC/ERG solution to facilitate BART parking –Option 1: TransLink card integrates with BART card reader in PVM. TransLink utilizes BART infrastructure and BART Back Office to reconcile parking program. BART performs enforcement. Option 1 is a short-term solution that operates in the same way as the BART smart card (EZRider) parking program. Estimated completion date: 9 months after delivery of CTS simulator*, scope and schedule meeting is being scheduled –Option 2: TransLink card (utilizing 2 purses) also integrates with card reader. TransLink handles all Back Office functions but utilizes BART infrastructure. BART Back Office is just pass through and BART handles enforcement. Option 2 is a permanent solution. Estimated completion date: 12 months after delivery of CTS simulator*, scope and schedule development is inactive Contemplation * Simulator delivery date unknown
7 TransLink Parking – Option 1 (BART’s Back Office) Patron procures TransLink for parking and transit Patron tags parking reader in Paid Area and payment is deducted TRANSIT PARKING BART BACK OFFICE PARKING Money is deducted from Parking account
8 TransLink Parking – Option 2 (TransLink’s Back Office) Patron procures two purse TransLink card for parking and transit Patron tags parking reader in Paid Area and payment is deducted BART BACK OFFICE PARKING BART Back Office passes data to the TransLink Service Bureau TRANSLINK SERVICE BUREAU TSB processes BART parking payment and performs settlement TRANSIT PARKING
9 Pros and Cons BART Smart Card Parking Program +Eliminates need for manual entry and cash transactions with Addfare parking +Expected completion date: August Seamless parking payment transition for patrons –Not a TransLink option; requires two cards –Not a regional solution MTC/ERG Option 1 +All positives of the BART smart card program +One card solution +Lower cost solution, provides for no changes in processes proposed under BART solution –Not regional solution –ERG effort in Option 1 is not portable to Option 2, and costs are not recoverable Estimated delivery 9 months after receipt of CTS simulator; 3 months prior to Option 2 MTC/ERG Option 2 +All positives of the BART smart card program +One card solution +Provides for a regional solution –Higher cost solution Expected completion date: Twelve months after receipt of CTS simulator
10 BART Concerns Determine scope, schedule, and budget for: –BART internal organizations –Cubic Transportation Systems –Motorola/ERG effort MTC/ERG must determine where the budget will come from for the TransLink parking solution Per Motorola/ERG, this new work will be conducted in the Concord office. Impact to Faregate integration regional schedule 2.3/2.4/2.5 is unknown