Office Tech Tools and Toys Update: Make Your Job Easier, More Productive, and More Profitable April 21, 2007 in Minneapolis, MN Presented by Mark Goldstein, International Research Center PO Box 825, Tempe, AZ , Voice & Fax: , URL: © International Research Center
Strategic Change in an Organizations’ Business Environment Source: Global Intelligence Alliance 1/07 (
5 Entire contents © 2006 Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved. The main IT driver: massive technology convergence Content Portals Collaboration Office productivity Rights Voice BPM Expertise location Project mgmt. Learning Business intelligence
6 Entire contents © 2006 Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved. Business drivers: business relationships and a workforce in transition Base: 117 professionals in North America, in IT and business, surveyed in September Half work for enterprise-class organizations (1,000 employees or more). “Which of the following issues have some impact or big impact on your org’s consideration of the Information Workplace?” Interaction with business customers Impact of the retiring workforce IT outsourcing Business process outsourcing Interaction with consumer customers Interaction with suppliers Building the office of the future Telecommuting (teleworking) Support for next-gen, technology-savvy workers Supporting a highly mobile workforce Impact of corporate downsizing 52 (44%) 55 (47%) 62 (53%) 66 (56%) 73 (62%) 84 (72%) 85 (73%) 86 (74%) 89 (76%) 98 (84%) 103 (88%)
Connect and Communicate Source: International Research Center (
Wireless Service Provider Market Consolidation from 1990s to Present AT&T Alltel T-Mobile Modified by International Research Center ( )
9 Growth in the Mobile Telephone Industry (June June 2006) UP 9% From $56 Billion as of 2005 DOWN 14% From $0.08 per minute in 2005 Subscribers Service Revenues Price per minute 219 Million Subscribers in 2006 $60 Billion in Revenues in 2006 Price per minute 7¢ in 2006 Source: Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association; FCC. UP 16% From 623 MOUs in 2005 Minutes of Use 723 Average Monthly MOUs in 2006 UP 13% From 195 Million Subscribers in 2005
iPhone & LG KE850: Separated at Birth?
OpenMoko Linux Phone
Source: U.S. Display Consortium The Ultimate Handheld Device
Source: The New York Times 1/24/06
Source: Institute for the Future 5/05 ( RFID as a Tracking Technology 1945–2010
This year’s “State of the Industry” survey was conducted in March 2007 using an on-line instrument. A total of 1,226 end users from 66 countries participated. Source: AIIM - The ECM Association (
Network Attached Storage (NAS) Devices 4 Drives 2 Drives 1 Drive
The Top 10 Weirdest USB Drives Ever
Professionally our methods of transmitting and reviewing the results of research are generations old and by now are totally inadequate for their purpose. If the aggregate time spent in writing scholarly works and in reading them could be evaluated, the ratio between these amounts of time might well be startling. Those who conscientiously attempt to keep abreast of current thought, even in restricted fields, by close and continuous reading might well shy away from an examination calculated to show how much of the previous month's efforts could be produced on call. Mendel's concept of the laws of genetics was lost to the world for a generation because his publication did not reach the few who were capable of grasping and extending it; and this sort of catastrophe is undoubtedly being repeated all about us, as truly significant attainments become lost in the mass of the inconsequential. The difficulty seems to be, not so much that we publish unduly in view of the extent and variety of present-day interests, but rather that publication has been extended far beyond our present ability to make real use of the record. The summation of human experience is being expanded at a prodigious rate, and the means we use for threading through the consequent maze to the momentarily important item is the same as was used in the days of square-rigged ships. But there are signs of a change as new and powerful instrumentalities come into use. From As We May Think by Vannevar Bush, The Atlantic Monthly, July 1945 Director of the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development during World War II (
Concept Map from Tim Berners-Lee's Original World-Wide Web Proposal (1989)
Source: James C. Best Jr./The New York Times 1/1/07
Source: The New York Times 3/10/07
Source: Microsoft Research 1/06 MyLifeBits Database
Downloading Is a Packrat's Dream
Source: The New York Times 8/8/06 ( Buried in a list of 20 million web search queries collected by AOL and recently released on the Internet is user No The number was assigned by the company to protect the searcher’s anonymity, but it was not much of a shield. No conducted hundreds of searches over a three-month period on topics ranging from “numb fingers” to “60 single men” to “dog that urinates on everything.” Thelma Arnold’s identity was betrayed by AOL records of her Web searches, like ones for her dog, Dudley, who clearly has a problem. (See Photo by Erik S. Lesser at Right).
Web 1.0 Web 2.0 DoubleClick-->Google AdSense Ofoto-->Flickr Akamai-->BitTorrent>Napster Britannica Online-->Wikipedia personal websites-->blogging evite--> and EVDB domain name speculation --> search engine optimization page views-->cost per click screen scraping-->web services publishing-->participation content management systems -->wikis directories (taxonomy) -->tagging ("folksonomy") stickiness-->syndication
Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Search Platform Market Landscape Source: Forrester Research, Inc. 6/06
Community Definition
Source: RAND, 2003 Collaboration Across Time and Space
Source: CIO Magazine 2007 (
Source: CIO Magazine 2007 (
Google Apps Premier Edition Stop Collaborating Like It’s
Google Apps Premier Edition Licensing & Pricing
Forrester Wave: Web Conferencing Source: Forrester Research, Inc. 6/06
Sun Microsytems in Second Life
depo is buying a region on Second Life to develop a virtual business park with common facilities for meetings, conferences and events as well as individual office developments and a full time reception and support staff.