Worship Sunday School Mission Evangelism Youth programs Music Programs
Sunday Morning Church Meeting
Our Outreach Day Care School for the disabled Urban Poor Clinic Conference Centers Church Planting Senior Citizens Our Outreach
Day Care School for the disabled Urban Poor Clinic Conference Centers Church Planting Senior Citizens
Bitach Church and Fairhaven Bitach
Amereia Church
ANNE VAN SOMER Founded Fairhaven
Old Fairhaven building
New Fairhaven building
School for the disabled Early interventions, 4 – 7 years old
Elementary 7- 12
Carpentry Weaving Green houses ( gardening ) Basic assembly programs Sewing Vocation
School for the disabled Presently have 200 child and 70 – 80 workers 75 % are Muslim children Boarding ( over night ) 20 – 27 child
Supported by the church & community not parents
Our Outreach Day Care School for the disabled Urban Poor Clinic Conference Centers Church Planting Senior Citizens Clinic
Located in the urban poor area Highly Subsidized, (50% of fees paid by the church) Clinic
Clinic building is 5 stories Two for Out Patient Clinics Dentistry Physical Therapy Internal Medicine lab Gynecologist Ophthalmologist Pediatrician
Two for Out Patient Clinics Dermatologist Ear, Nose & Throat
Two for In Patient Clinics
One Surgery Floor
School’s Gymnasium School’s Car clinic elevator
Our Future Project A new building to hold all the school activities and help for more community service projects
We are grateful for what they do