Welcome to CP2011 Perugia, September 2011
CP Perugia, September 2011 Facilities Computers and limited printers access at DMI Use computers in GREEN and YELLOW LAB Wifi Internet Access Instructions for the access has been provided at registration desk. dip-open: (only at workshops location (DMI)) unipg and unipg 802.1x: (in all university areas) Eduroam: (in all university areas using your university account)
CP Perugia, September 2011 Coffee Breaks and Lunches Where In the garden near Aula Magna When Coffes: 10:25 – 10:55 and 15:40 – 16:10 Lunches: 12:35 – 14:00
CP Perugia, September 2011 Conference Excursion Excursion and banquet will take place in Assisi in Wednesday September 14 th at 15:30
CP Perugia, September 2011 Conference Partecipation People registered as “only-workshops” may upgrade their registration to “conference and workshops” at the reception desk Guests wishing to have conference lunches and to participate to the social events have to get extra tickets at the reception desks
CP Perugia, September 2011 Statistics
CP Perugia, September 2011 Statistics
CP Perugia, September 2011 CP Grand Challenges For the CP Panel on The Future of CP (Friday at 16:25, Aula Magna) Write your preferred grand challenges to be discussed at the panel! Please return this card at the registration desk Panelists will participate to the lucky draw (for an Ipad 2)
CP Perugia, September 2011 CP Opinions Please return this card and you will receive: a Deruta hand made pottery The CP Table calendar
CP Perugia, September 2011 Visit to the National Gallery Thursday September 15th, at (only for PC members) and Jazz concert and Jam session (Room Sala Maggiore)
CP Perugia, September 2011 Reserved events Doctoral program dinner Mi’ Cocco, Tuesday September 13th at 19:30 PC banquet Il Paiolo, Thursday September 15th at 21:00 ACP EC meeting lunch Ristorante del Sole, Tuesday September 13 th at 12:35
CP Perugia, September 2011 CP Staff Please ask any question to the guys wearing the red CP T-shirt and badge! CP STAFF