Presentation of ALGEBAKT project. Antibacterial effect of arctic macroalgae species DMV, PhD, Margarita Novoa-Garrido Alta, Norway, Sept, 6th - 8th, 2010: The 7th Circumpolar Agricultural Conference "Circumpolar Agricultural and Land Use Resources - Prospects and Perspectives for Circumpolar Productions and Industries"
The MABIT-programme is an industrial R&D program for Northern Norway.
Bioforsk Nord Bodø. Bioproduction and ecosystems along the coast Coastal ecology - possibilities for commercial exploitation of coastal and marine resources without damaging ecosystems. Our main focus is the algae.
Antibiotics: therapy and growth promotion Ab-resistance Antibiotics banned in Europe as antibiotic growth promoters since 2006 Background for the project Antibiotic resistance test of P. aeruginosa strain It was on a short-cut through the hospital kitchens that Albert was first approched by a member of the Antibiotic Resistance.
Palmaria palmata Pelvetia canaliculata Alaria esculenta Foto: Unni Lorentsen A. nodosum
ALGINATE SEAWEED MEAL Sheep in seaweed meal project in Bioforsk Nord. Foto: H.J. Skulstad L. hyperborea A. nodosum Vegetables in seaweed project in Bioforsk Nord. Foto: I. Øvsthus
Algae composition Dietary fibre (<8% DM) Protein (5-10 % DM) Fat (2-4 % DM) Carbohydrates (45-60 % DM) Vitamines: A, C, E, B 1, B 2, B 3, B 8, B 9 Minerals Secundary bioactive metabolites
Macroalgae biologiske effekter Antibakterial Antivirus Antitumor Antioxidant Antiinflammatory Immune stimulans Growth stimulant
Animal health Diet Environment Bacterial population Immune system Jejunum and ileum CFU/ml Lactobacilli, coliforms, Streptococci, fusobacteria, clostridia, bacteriodes, bifido bacteria Stomach up to 10 2 Lactobacilli, streptococci, yeast Colon CFU/ml Lactobacilli, bifido bacteria, eubacteria, fusobacteria, coliforms, clostridia, veillonella, yeasts
Photo: Birger Volden
Some research results Animal husbandry: nr. of E. coli intestine, shedding of E. coli O157 and Salmonella, nr. adherent Lactobacillus sp. Innate immunity and B lymhocyte activity. Aquaculture: Antibacterial effect on fish pathogens such as Vibrio sp. and Aeromonas sp. Furanones, organohalogens, floratannins, fucoidans, haloperoxidases, alginate
Aims of the project Generate knowledge about bioactive components with antibacterial effect in macroalgae species adapted to the northern Norwegian climate to get a better overview of the potential for developing new products based on their antibacterial property.
Material and methods Bacteria sheep: Lactobacillus sp., Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, different E. coli strains Bacteria fish:Vibrio sp., Pseudoalteromonas sp., Aeromonas sp. Macroalgae: Four red species and two brown species Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIN) Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Synergy with other ongoing prosjects «Natural sources of antioxidants – a necessity for animal health and welfare and product quality in organic livestock production.» The research Council of Norway. Effekt of feeding macroalgae on the milk quality of dairy cattle. Effekt of feeding macroalgae on intestinal bacterial flora and immune system of sheep.
Future visions Screening Identification of biologically activ components Animal experiments