Welcome Back! Semester 2… here we go!
StandardsObjectives 2.0 Reading Comprehension (Focus on Informational Materials) Students read and understand grade-level- appropriate material. They analyze the organizational patterns, arguments, and positions advanced. The selections in Recommended Literature, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve illustrate the quality and complexity of the materials to be read by students. In addition, by grade twelve, students read two million words annually on their own, including a wide variety of classic and contemporary literature, magazines, newspapers, and online information. 2.3 Write reflective compositions: a. Explore the significance of personal experiences, events, conditions, or concerns by using rhetorical strategies (e.g., narration, description, exposition, persuasion). b. Draw comparisons between specific incidents and broader themes that illustrate the writer's important beliefs or generalizations about life. c. Maintain a balance in describing individual incidents and relate those incidents to more general and abstract ideas. Students will be able to: ▫read and identify the details of the class for the second semester by reading, discussing, and signing the syllabus. ▫Create goals for themselves and a plan to achieve these goals by defining their goals and coming up with specific steps to follow. ▫discuss and describe their own ideas on the “politics of food.”
Semester 2 Syllabus After we go over the second semester syllabus as a class, please take it home and read through with your parents or guardians, sign the second page, and return it next class. If you turn it in next class then you will not only escape from a call home everyday until it is turned in, you will also receive points! If you lose the copy given to you in class, it is on the class website so you can simply print out another one!
Goals Goals from last semester: ▫Did you accomplish your semester goals? If yes, how? If no, why not? ▫Have you made progress towards your goals for the year? If yes, how? If no, why not? New goals ▫Create two new goals for this semester. One needs to be about this class or academic in nature, the other can be whatever you wish. Also create two specific steps you can take to achieve each goal. ▫Come up with two additional steps to continue towards achieving your goals for the year.
Senior Project: Career Interests Even though it is early, it is important to start thinking about the career you want to focus on for your senior project. Keep in mind: ▫It is possible to focus on and complete your shadowing for ANY career, whether there are confidentiality, clearance, time, schedule, or availability issues. What you need to combat these obstacles is TIME!
Senior Project: Career Interests For example: ▫Some places, like hospitals or child care facilities, require you to have some sort of background check before you are allowed to be there. This may take a few weeks, so if you wait until a week before your shadowing should be complete and then try to shadow somewhere and they require a check, you will not have enough time and be forced into a situation where you are stressed and maybe even have to choose a whole new career.
Senior Project: Career Interests Other examples: ▫Scheduling can be an issue, when you’re free you can’t find a mentor in your career choice who is free or they only work during school hours and then you are forced to try and get an excused absence from school and then fall behind in some of your classes. ▫Your career of choice might be difficult to shadow a mentor because of confidentiality issues and thus you will need to see me to work out a comparable assignment, which usually involves finding several mentors with whom you can interview and discuss the realities of your chosen career.
The Politics of Food Word association: What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear/see the following- ▫food ▫fast food ▫vegetables ▫meat ▫from scratch ▫high fructose corn syrup ▫trans fat ▫mad cow disease ▫E. coli
The Politics of Food Class discussion: What do we know about the “politics of food?” What issues do the media present? What issues do you have? Personal response/quickwrite: Describe your relationship with food. What does it mean to you, how involved in preparation are you, what are your views?
1.Go over syllabus with parents/guardians, sign, and return next class 2.Bring ERWC Articles: The Politics of Food (2 articles, one by Wendell Berry and the other by Michael Pollan) 3.Begin thinking about your outside reading book for this semester.