Daily Starters
8/9/10 Find you name on the seating chart on the board. Find you name on the seating chart on the board. Pick up your folder of information and go to your assigned seat. Pick up your folder of information and go to your assigned seat. With your partner discuss the 2 questions on the board in green- make a list of items for discussion on one sheet of paper. With your partner discuss the 2 questions on the board in green- make a list of items for discussion on one sheet of paper. Get to know your seat partner and be able to introduce them to the rest of the class- at least 3 things about them. Get to know your seat partner and be able to introduce them to the rest of the class- at least 3 things about them.
8/10/10 Question of the day: Question of the day: If your were the principal of this school for one day what rules would you make sure were enforced and what rules would you let be bent? Be able to defend your answers. If your were the principal of this school for one day what rules would you make sure were enforced and what rules would you let be bent? Be able to defend your answers. (This needs to be written in a section of your binder) (This needs to be written in a section of your binder)
8/12/10 Would you rather have a strict teacher who was fair and taught you a lot or one who was fun but didn’t teach you much? Would you rather have a strict teacher who was fair and taught you a lot or one who was fun but didn’t teach you much?
8/13/10 Do you think that it is better to be honest, even if it may hurt some feelings, or to tell a little lie to not hurt someone’s feelings? Do you think that it is better to be honest, even if it may hurt some feelings, or to tell a little lie to not hurt someone’s feelings?
Using the 4 questions technique make 4 questions over the safety notes we have covered so far. Using the 4 questions technique make 4 questions over the safety notes we have covered so far. We will use this as a morning review. We will use this as a morning review.
8/25/10 (odd) What is the hardest thing about growing up? What is the hardest thing about growing up? Remember to write a full paragraph- 3-4 complete sentences. Remember to write a full paragraph- 3-4 complete sentences.
8/25/10 If you liked someone who later turned out to be a liar, would you still want to be good friends? If you liked someone who later turned out to be a liar, would you still want to be good friends? Remember to write a full paragraph- 3-4 complete sentences. Remember to write a full paragraph- 3-4 complete sentences.
8/30/10 How do you think you are as a leader? How do you think you are as a leader? Give yourself a score of 1-5 Give yourself a score of 1-5 Remember to write a full paragraph- 3-4 complete sentences. Remember to write a full paragraph- 3-4 complete sentences.
8/31/10 Today is Testing Day (No Bell Work) Today is Testing Day (No Bell Work) Study for the FCCLA Test. Study for the FCCLA Test. After all Tests are turned in we will go back to our Sanitation Notes. After all Tests are turned in we will go back to our Sanitation Notes. If you have not completed your writing assignment, this needs to be turned in today. If you have not completed your writing assignment, this needs to be turned in today. You can work on the word search from yesterday. You can work on the word search from yesterday. Lab Clean up- Thursday and Friday, closed toe shoes, these will count as 2 lab grades- remember a larger portion of your grade. Lab Clean up- Thursday and Friday, closed toe shoes, these will count as 2 lab grades- remember a larger portion of your grade.
9/1 If you and your friend were collecting money for a charity and your friend decided to steal that money, and said she would not be your friend if you did not steal to she will not be friends with you, what would you do? If you and your friend were collecting money for a charity and your friend decided to steal that money, and said she would not be your friend if you did not steal to she will not be friends with you, what would you do?
9/2/10 How do you solve problems that arise with your friends or family? How do you solve problems that arise with your friends or family? Nutrition and Foods: Nutrition and Foods: Lab Today and Tomorrow- Must be in appropriate attire. Complete Items on the Check Off list. Refer to Rubric for grading.
9/3/10 The fall season makes me want to… The fall season makes me want to… There will be a There will be a Notebook Check Sept. 10 Notebook Check Sept weeks test on Sept weeks test on Sept. 14 Early Release day Sept. 15 Early Release day Sept. 15 End of 6 weeks Sept. 17 End of 6 weeks Sept. 17
9/7/10 For Labor Day I … For Labor Day I …
9/8/10 What do you think are skills that employers look for when searching for new applicants? What do you think are skills that employers look for when searching for new applicants?
9/9/10 Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
9/13/10 List 10 Skills or Topics that interest you. These can vary and may or may not be a part of your current daily life. List 10 Skills or Topics that interest you. These can vary and may or may not be a part of your current daily life.
9/13/10 Foods Why do you think food connects people? Why do you think food connects people? Botulism- (Clostridium botulinum) Botulism- (Clostridium botulinum) E.coli-(Escherichia coli) E.coli-(Escherichia coli) Salmonellosis- (Salmonella) Salmonellosis- (Salmonella) Perfringens- (Clostridium perfringens) Perfringens- (Clostridium perfringens) Staphylococcal infection (Staphylococcus aureus) Staphylococcal infection (Staphylococcus aureus) Campylobacteriosis (Campylobacter jejuni) Campylobacteriosis (Campylobacter jejuni)
9/15/10 I think that the fist six weeks of the school year was … I think that the fist six weeks of the school year was … Remember to write a paragraph. Remember to write a paragraph. Tomorrow I will have a list of names on the board of all people who have missing grades. ALL missing work MUST be SUBMITTED my MONDAY to be put on this report card. IF NOT TURNED IN- ZERO WILL BE THE GRADE!!! Tomorrow I will have a list of names on the board of all people who have missing grades. ALL missing work MUST be SUBMITTED my MONDAY to be put on this report card. IF NOT TURNED IN- ZERO WILL BE THE GRADE!!!
9/16/10 1 st and 2 nd Period only: If you had a special power, what would it be and how would you use it? 1 st and 2 nd Period only: If you had a special power, what would it be and how would you use it? All others: I think that the fist six weeks of the school year was … All others: I think that the fist six weeks of the school year was … Remember to write a paragraph. Remember to write a paragraph. I will have a list of names on the board of all people who have missing grades. ALL missing work MUST be SUBMITTED my MONDAY to be put on this report card. IF NOT TURNED IN- ZERO WILL BE THE GRADE!!! I will have a list of names on the board of all people who have missing grades. ALL missing work MUST be SUBMITTED my MONDAY to be put on this report card. IF NOT TURNED IN- ZERO WILL BE THE GRADE!!!
9/17/10 Final Reminder- All missing work MUST be turned in on Monday by 3:00 for credit. I will be handing back paper on Tuesday. Keep returned papers to review for Mid-Term. Final Reminder- All missing work MUST be turned in on Monday by 3:00 for credit. I will be handing back paper on Tuesday. Keep returned papers to review for Mid-Term. Today’s assignment- 5 at a time go and try to log onto to Moodle. Refer to the board for more information if needed. If you can not log on I need to know TODAY. I need everyone to try. Today’s assignment- 5 at a time go and try to log onto to Moodle. Refer to the board for more information if needed. If you can not log on I need to know TODAY. I need everyone to try. FACS classes, read Speak, also look on the Moodle assignments for the project 10 Things About Me. This will be an upcoming assignment once everyone is logged in. FACS classes, read Speak, also look on the Moodle assignments for the project 10 Things About Me. This will be an upcoming assignment once everyone is logged in. Foods classes TECHNICAL PAPER DUE TODAY!!! Enter your 5 words that begin with the letter A. remember to include the word and the definition. Cite the source. Foods classes TECHNICAL PAPER DUE TODAY!!! Enter your 5 words that begin with the letter A. remember to include the word and the definition. Cite the source.
9/20/10 Are you living by the 6 Pillars of Character? If not which one (s) do you need to work on? Are you living by the 6 Pillars of Character? If not which one (s) do you need to work on?
9/22/10 (odd) How would you make a difference in your community if you had the ability to do anything you could? How would you make a difference in your community if you had the ability to do anything you could?
9/22/10 How do you define success? How do you define success?
9/27/10 If you could travel in time any distance, any time period, where would you go and what would you do? If you could travel in time any distance, any time period, where would you go and what would you do?