Tyler Schultz L&S Administration 1 Welcome to the presentation: “Cloud Storage – Welcome to UW Box,” this presentation was included in the “Campus IT Tools” presentation given on March 26, After you review a slide, click anywhere to advance the presentation. To exit the presentation at any time, press the Escape Key. To go back to a previous slide, press the Backspace Key. Click to begin the presentation. This presentation was given live on March 26, 2015 by Tyler Schultz from L&S Administration. It is part of a training series coordinated by L&S Administration, intended to connect L&S faculty and staff with topics and information that may be helpful in their positions. More presentations and information about this series of trainings can be found at
What is Cloud Storage? 2 Individual use storage size is 50 GB, can also request additional quota up to 150 GB for Project use. Analogy: If you had a flash drive which contained all your files and you placed it in an envelope and mailed it to an anonymous warehouse that housed 1,000’s of computers, the person on the other end would mark those files as yours so you could access them from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
Budget Salary Report (BSR) GOAL: L&S Administration needed an easy method to securely distribute and collect BSR spreadsheets to all L&S departments. We looked at . We looked at our internal file server. We looked at available campus solutions – My WebSpace (Retired June 2014), Google Docs (not quite the right fit) 3 When looking for file distribution options, first L&S Admin started with a clear scope of what they wanted to do, then they looked at the different methods available and at that time UW Box was coming online which proved to be a great solution to handle all their needs.
UW Branded Box Integrated with UW NetID Very usable interface Large storage quota (50GB) Project directory option File Storage is staff independent Allows for redundant Co-owner Easy folder creation 4 UW Box provides more collaboration and allows anyone with a UW NetID to access. Using the Project directory option allows folders to have multiple co-owners to avoid the issue of having folders setup under one individual owner, in which case, if that person leaves, others in department would not have access to the folders. Whereas setting folders up under a Project directory eliminates this problem, by having the additional co-owners already in place who can still access those folders.
5 Granular Folder Permissions: Grant minimum permissions needed Only give a few staff full access (Co-owner) to all folders Box allows folder owners to grant access to the folder while being able to choose what level permissions each user is assigned.
Deployment of UW Box Setup a Box Project Directory Designed and implemented general folder structure and permissions Tested internally first Deployed to several “test” departments Deployed to all departments EXPANDED AND REDESIGNED – for all L&S Administration – Summer
L&S Administration – Project Directory 7 After testing and obtaining feedback for 9 months, the L&S Admin Budget Office implemented changes and started using Box exclusively for routing BSR’s to departments. L&S Admin is also using Project directories in Box for distributing other material to departments and staff for things like HR, Payroll, Summer Sessions, the L&S Curriculum Committee, and the University General Education Committee.
Departments… 8 L&S Admin creates a folder for each Department to put BSR files in.
Department Folders… 9 Department only sees the folder that pertains to them.
Folder Collaborators… 10 By clicking “View All” in the Collaborator list, you can view who has been granted access to the folder and what their permissions are.
Future Cloud/File Storage Options on Campus Office 365 OneDrive (SkyDrive) – Release to Campus TBD Office 365 SharePoint Online – Document and Content Management System (CMS) - Release to Campus TBD 11
Questions? 12 You need to carefully think about how to organize materials before creating folders and also who will have access to those folders. There are notifications settings in the Box Account Settings that allow folder owners to see who has viewed or downloaded material. If you are having trouble opening a folder in Box, your current (as listed in the directory) may not be included in your Box Account Settings. For example, if you recently switched to Office 365 (Outlook) for your client, you can add that address to your Box Account Settings under “Login and Addresses.”
UW Box: UW Box Administration Site: (then Click on the “Box Administration Site” link under Service Options) UW Box Collaborator Permissions: Google Apps: File Storage: 13 Campus Storage Options & Links