Global Health What it is, what we do, what you can do!
Diseases have no borders
The eradication of smallpox Edward Jenner
Contagion Trailer Kate Winslet as Dr. Erin Mears - CDC epidemiologist Jennifer Ehle as Dr. Ally Hextall – CDC researcher Laurence Fishburne as Dr. Ellis Cheever – CDC official Marion Cotillard as Dr. Leonora Orantes – WHO epidemiologist Jude law as Alan Krumwiede – freelance reporter
1. Controlling Onchocerciasis (River blindness) in Sub-Saharan Africa 2. Preventing Diarrheal deaths in Egypt 3. Reducing fertility rate (# born children/woman) in Bangladesh 4. Decreasing Tobacco use in Poland
1. Controlling Onchocerciasis (River blindness) in Sub-Saharan Africa 1974: 11 West African countries 2 millions of the 20 millions inhabitants were infected 200,000 were blind Cause: Worm - Onchocerca volvulus Transmitted by a blackfly 10,000 bites/day Can live up to 18 years in the human body Global spread: 600,000 blind 1.5 millions severe visual impairment Disability Social and economic damage 1978: medical breakthrough Ivermectin discovered Q1: Interventions before and after 1978? Q2: Challenges of these interventions?
2. Preventing Diarrheal deaths in Egypt 1977: cause of at least half of all infant deaths Global spread: Mostly children < 2 years old 2 millions deaths/year 1 out of 200 children will die Causes: Bacteria (E. Coli and Salmonella), protozoa (parasite) and viruses (rotavirus, noravirus) Unclean water, dirty hands, spoiled food Death by dehydration Q: What are the preventive and treatment programs that should be established?
3. Reducing fertility rate (# born children/woman) in Bangladesh Mid-70’s: Low life expectancy Each woman had more than six children Risks pregnancy/deliver complications and high child death rate One of the poorest countries: $250 income/per capita/year 80% of the population is poor High density population: 150,000,000 people for 60,000 sq miles (as a comparison California has 37,000 people for 160,000 sq miles) Global impact: 150 millions women do not have access to contraception We are already 7 billions! Q: What interventions can be put in place to decrease the fertility rate?
4. Decreasing Tobacco use in Poland 1980’s: Highest rate of smoking in the world 3 out of 4 men aged years old smoke every day Probability that a 15 year-old boy would reach his 60 th birthday was lower than in any other country Highest rates of lung cancer in the world High incidence of heart diseases and low birth weight Q: What interventions can be put in place to decrease tobacco use? Global threat: Second cause of death worldwide Causes 1 out of 10 adult deaths 1.2 billions people smoking Increasing in low- and middle-income countries
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