I.Early Greeks -Greece is a peninsula -lots of islands off the coast -many people made a living from the sea -ex: fishermen, sailors, etc -didn’t farm much -Geo. made them very independent -dev. alphabet that made writing and reading easier
A)The Polis= city-state -like a tiny independent country -Acropolis= hill used as fortified area as well as a temple & gathering place B) Citizenship -1 st to develop idea of citizenship -had to be born in city-state & own land -Democracy dev. in Athens
II. Sparta and Athens A)Sparta= -Oligarchy= rule by a few -focused on military -boys left their family for the barracks at age yrs old men went into regular army -lived in barracks until 30 yrs old -typical meal= black broth -pork boiled in animal blood, vinegar, & salt
- They either won in battle of died= never surrendered -Girls trained in sports - more free than other Greek women -Sparta fell behind other city-states in trade & education B) Athens -boys went to school -taught to read write & do arithmetic, play sports, sing, & play the lyre
- girls stayed at home and learned spinning, weaving, & household duties -”Cradle of Democracy” -place where democracy started -Home of Philosophy -Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates some of the most famous
III. Persia Attacks the Greeks A)Battle of Marathon= Athens easily defeated the Persians -sent Pheidippides to run back to Athens -25 mile run -last words were ‘Victory’ & then he died B) Thermopylae= Sparta & Athens join together
-Sparta= army Athens=navy -Greeks blocked Persians for 2 days -Persians move to rear of Greeks -King Leonidas & men blocked them long enough for ships to arrive -Eventually Greeks defeat Persia
IV. Age of Pericles A)Democracy in Athens= -Direct democracy- everyone voted on every issue B) Daily Life in Athens= -largest city in Greece -men worked, attended meetings, dined & discussed politics & philosophy -women stayed home & took care of life at home & the kids
C) Peloponnesian War -Sparta & others joined against Athens -Athens stayed inside city walls for protection -disease broke out & killed 1/3 of pop. -Sparta got a navy from Persia & defeated Athens -left all of Greece weak -fight amongst themselves