“Most observed, but least understood phenomena on earth.”
Introduction to the Study of Leadership Why Study Leadership?
Learning Stages to becoming a Leader Unconscious Incompetence Unconscious Competence Conscious Competence Conscious Incompetence
Dictionary Definitions Lead: “To guide, steer, pilot, point, or show the way” “To cause someone to do something” Leader: “One who leads” “Person in control” Leadership: “The quality notable in leaders” “Set of characteristics that make a good leader”
Navy Definition (1944) “Art of inspiring, guiding, and directing [people] so that they ardently desire to do what the leader wants.” Thoughts???
Your Turn
Book Definition An influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their shared purposes
Interactive/Situational Process in which leaders and followers interact dynamically in a particular situation or environment “Effective” leadership behavior depends upon the complexities of this interaction Not one “best behavior” for a given situation
“It Depends”
Industrial Age Stability Control Competition Things Uniformity Information Age Change Empowerment Collaboration People/Relationships Diversity Transformation Talk FROMTO
Randomness and Change SEMPER GUMBY
Leadership is not Automatic! Leadership must be earned; How? Leadership is an everyday way of acting and thinking that has little to do with a title or formal position in an organization Trust Confidence Competence Consistency Integrity Vision
Insensitive, abrasive, bullying style Cold, aloof, arrogant Betrayal of personal trust Overly ambitious Specific performance problems Micro-managing—does not build a team Unable to select good subordinates Why Leaders Fail
Myths that Hinder Leadership Development Leadership is all Common Sense Leaders Are Born, Not Made The Only School that teaches leadership Is the School of Hard Knocks
Leader Followers Situation Interactional Leadership Framework - Personality - Position - Expertise - Values - Norms - Cohesiveness - Task - Stress - Environment - Perception - Personalities - Reflection
For next Time… Read Chapter 2