Georgia Student Finance Commission Financial Aid 101 Darryl Watson K-12 School Representative
Georgia’s HOPE Scholarship Program Largest Non-Need Based Program in the Nation Students must meet: Academic Requirement of a 3.0 GPA in academic core classes* Citizenship Residency Enroll in a HOPE eligible school in Georgia *Note: For Seniors who are on Technical Diploma, the GPA is a 3.2 for in academic core classes
Zell Miller Scholarship Program New Scholarship Program for 2011 Must meet HOPE Scholarship requirements, plus: Minimum 3.7 GPA in academic core classes, and 1,200 combined critical reading and math on SAT, or 26 composite ACT Graduate from an eligible high school as the valedictorian or salutatorian *Test requirements must be met in single test administration.
View HOPE GPA on GAcollege411 Select “Your HOPE GPA” under “Shortcuts” Log in to your GAcollege411 Account Enter Last Name, Date of Birth, and Social Security Number Finally, select high school from list
How Much Does College Cost? Costs of Attendance Tuition and mandatory fees Room and board Books and supplies Transportation Personal expenses (clothing, laundry, entertainment, medicine and healthcare, cell phone etc.) College Costs, also commonly referred to as the Cost of Attendance, vary widely based on the type of institution. The Cost of Attendance is the budget established by the school
What is Financial Aid? Financial Aid is funding intended to help students pay educational expenses Sources of Financial Aid Federal government State government Colleges and universities Community groups (religious organizations, civic organizations, corporations, professional organizations, etc.)
Financial Aid Comes in Packages Gift Aid Money not paid back Grants Scholarships Self-Help Money using student initiative Student Loans Work Study
What is an EFC? The FAFSA will determine the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The EFC estimates the family’s ability to contribute toward educational costs. The EFC formula includes financial information collected on the FAFSA, family size and number of dependents.
What Does the FAFSA Do? College Cost of Attendance (Determined by the School) Minus the Expected Family Contribution Equals the Amount of Need Based Aid for which the student may qualify
Pell Grant Maximum Pell Grant Amount $5,550 $2,775 per semester Full time student (12 or more hrs.) Based on $0 EFC
Direct Loan Program Subsidized Direct Loans Interest is paid by the government while enrolled (at least half-time) Unsubsidized Stafford Loans Student is responsible for paying the interest on the loan Repayment begins six (6) months after graduation or ceasing to be enrolled half-time
Student Loan Limits 2010 – 2011 Academic Year Dependent Students whose Parents are Eligible for a PLUS Loan Base Additional Unsubsidized Annual Maximum Amount Freshmen $3,500 $2,000 $5,500 Sophomore $4,500 $6,500 Junior/Senior $7,500 Independent Students and Dependent Students whose Parents were Denied a PLUS Loan $6,000 $9,500 $10,500 $7,000 $12,500
Student Access Loan Program New Loan Program Low interest loan program targeted to students who experience unmet need or a gap in their college financing Students may borrow up to $10,000 per year and $40,000 in their lifetime Students must be able to demonstrate that they have exhausted all other financial aid sources and must have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) The annual interest rate is 1% and borrowers will be required to pay interest while in school
Federal Application for Student Aid
It is the GATEWAY to accessing money ALL students should file a FAFSA It is the GATEWAY to accessing money to pay for college
FAFSA on the Web Worksheet
FAFSA Homepage
Contact Us Students and Parents support By browsing online help Contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center Live help, phone, or E-mail.
What Does the FAFSA Require? To complete the FAFSA, you will need: Completed Tax Returns Information on untaxed income, such as child support Household Information To Receive a Paper FAFSA: Call 1-800-4-FED-AID Download the paper application at
FAFSA on the Web Worksheet These questions will determine whether the student is a dependent or independent student. These are the only questions that the Government uses in making this determination.
Who is the “parent” for federal aid? “Parent” refers to the biological or adoptive parent. In case of divorce or separation give information about the parent you lived with most during the last 12 months. If your divorced or widowed parent has remarried, also provide information about your stepparent.
Parent section
Parent Section cont…..
Student Information
IRS Data Retrieval The applicant will be validated The applicant will have the option to “Transfer” the tax information to the FAFSA Once they have successfully authenticated, tax data will be presented and option to “Transfer” the information will be present. For 2009-2010, users who could not authenticate successfully or did not transfer their data had to manually log back into their FAFSA. Beginning with the 2010-2011 FAFSA, applicants have been able to click “return to FAFSA” which will automatically log them back into their FAFSA.
Special Circumstances Cannot report on FAFSA Send explanation to financial aid office at each college College will review special circumstances: Request additional documentation Decisions are final and cannot be appealed to U.S. Department of Education Examples of Special Circumstances: Change in employment status Medical expenses not covered by insurance Change in parent marital status Unusual dependent care expenses Student cannot obtain parent information
Sign and Submit 3 Signature Options Sign Electronically w/PIN Print Signature Page Submit without signatures If the applicant selects to Print A Signature Page the Print Signature Page button dynamically appears.
Confirmation Page Confirmation Number Data Release Number (DRN) EFC estimate Pell Grant and Direct Loan estimates Option for parents to transfer info to an application for a sibling
FAFSA Processing Results Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) sent to colleges listed on FAFSA approximately 10 to 14 days after FAFSA submitted College reviews Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) May request additional documentation, such as copies of federal tax returns
Sample Award Letter
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