Improving Schools through Proven & Practical Solutions Dr. Janice Scott Cover Educator Author President & CEO
Define Best Practices Turn and Talk Share descriptive words
Opportunity To Learn Opportunity to learn 35% Time 15% Monitoring 12% Pressure to Achieve 11% Parental Involvement 10% School Climate 8% Leadership 4% Cooperation 2% Robert Marzano, 2002
Direct Teaching
Culture of Best Practices Assess and analyze data Know the curriculum Maximize instructional time Establish safety and order Involve and engage the village Teach test taking skills and strategies Celebrate Success Collaborate for success Make win/win teacher assignments Students take ownership Lead from the Front
Assess & Analyze Data Student Performance Teacher Performance Performance Across grades Performance Across Subjects School-wide Performance Similar School Performance
Know the curriculum Build content knowledge Understand subject & grade expectations Develop measurable goals and objectives Organize relevant professional development Differentiate instruction Use textbook as resource Test what you teach Organize classroom space Students take ownership Provide practice/feedback/re-teach opportunities
Staff Participating in Professional Development Activity
Maximize Instructional Time Avoid distractions/interruptions Be Prepared Be organized Provide adequate instructional time Provide adequate practice time Organize tutorial Utilize technology Give homework
Students Participating in “Book In Reading”
Instructional Technology
Tutoring Session
Prioritize Order and Discipline Show students daily expectations Establish unified discipline code Teach and Model expectations Assess progress Be consistent and Fair Engage the Village
Walking In Line - “Loving Ourselves”
Focus creates Discipline
Involve & Engage The Village Engage & Involve Parents Partner with neighboring vendors Recruit volunteers Recruit mentors Seek sponsorship Partner with other schools
Community Involvement – Guest Speaker – Andrew Young
U.S. Serviceman Speaking to Students
Saying Thanks to Community Representative
Local Author Presents to Students
Local Attorney Speaking to Students
Partnering with McDonald’s Restaurant
Teach Test Taking Skills and Strategies Identify skills & strategies Include skills and strategies in daily lessons Practice skills & strategies (test protocols) Inform parents Review before testing Survey students about test concerns Generate sense of urgency Set goals to challenge and motivate students
Session with Guidance Counselor
Celebrate Success Establish Fair & Equitable System Reward students and staff Make rewards tangible & immediate Acknowledge individuals & groups Publicize achievements Include parents & community
Teachers Celebrating Together
Celebrating Outstanding Student Achievement
Principal’s Honor Roll Celebration
Students Going on Limo Ride
School Participating in Parade
Faculty Social
Collaborate for Success Establish system for collegial support Be organized Focus on students’ needs Look at samples of student work Monitor student progress Focus on instructional practices Build-in professional development
Principal Modeling for Teacher
Principal & Students
Make Win/Win Teacher Assignments Identify strengths and weaknesses Create win/win situation Listen & act
Teacher with Empathy
Students Take Ownership Identify strengths & weaknesses Be prepared Complete assignments Support each other Peer tutors Graph progress Take responsibility
Students Helping Each Other
Progress Monitoring Graph
Lead from the Front Establish levels of leadership Lead & manage by example Be fair & consistent Learn together Communicate effectively Embrace and encourage Assess & monitor
Mission & Vision
Principal Setting Expectation
What can you do now? 21 st Century Practices Assess and analyze data Know the curriculum Use instructional time wisely Establish safety and order Involve and engage the village Teach test taking skills and strategies Celebrate Success Collaborate and plan Strategically assign teachers Students take ownership Lead from the front Action Plan Identify at least 1 take away best practice Identify implementation steps Identify challenges & solutions How will you stay focused? How will you share with others?
Related Sources Bennett, Carol, (2013) What is balanced literacy? etools4Education. (2013). Effective teacher. Fogarty, Robin How to raise test scores. Skylight Training and Publishing Horton, Henry W. Kodak. Thirteen traits of effective leaders. 24/horton Payne, Ruby K A framework for understanding poverty. Stanbury, Meris. (2011, September 9). Five characteristics of an effective 21 st Century educator. Strauss, Valerie. (2013, May 2). Why collaboration is vital to creating effective schools. Swenson, Paula. (2013). Characteristics of effective teaching. The Holden Leadership Center. (2009). Leadership characteristics. The Hunt, (2013, June 30). 11facts about education and Poverty in America. Using Student Achievement data to Support Instructional Decisions. THANK YOU THANK YOU