8-12 Sept 2014 2B5. Soil fertility and tree crops World Agroforestry Science Week.


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Presentation transcript:

8-12 Sept B5. Soil fertility and tree crops World Agroforestry Science Week

Aim 1 Ermias Betemariam, World Agroforestry Science Week 8-12 Sept 2014, Nairobi |

Keith Shepherd: Some background information on Land Health and Decisions (10 minutes) Meine van Noordwijk: Impact of land use practices on soil conditions: LUFEP (Land Use Fertility Effect Predictor) (10 minutes) Ermias Betemariam: Land health projects (10 minutes) Case studies (30 minutes): –Malawi- Food security project (Joyce Njoloma) –Tanzania: Africa RISING project (Mathew Mpanda) –Rwanda: Trees for food security project (Athanase Mukuralinda) –Cote d’Ivoire: V4C project (Lucien Diby) Discussions (30 minutes) Ermias Betemariam | Hands-on soil infrared spectroscopy training course | Nairobi | Nov. 12, 2013 | 2 Content

Land Health Projects No.Name of project 1 Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS)/Africa Soils (SSA) 2 Strengthening capacity for diagnosis and management of soil micronutrient deficiencies (SSA) 3 Soil monitoring protocol for the World Bank Living Standards Measurement Study (Ethiopia &..) 4 Carbon sequestration options in pastoral & agro-pastoral systems in Africa (Burkina Faso & Ethiopia) 5 Land health surveillance for high value biocarbon development (Kenya, Burkina Faso & Sierra Leone) 6 Land health surveillance system for smallholder cocoa in Ivory Coast 7 Trees for food security in Eastern Africa (Rwanda, Ethiopia, Burundi & Uganda) 8 Land health surveillance for mitigation of climate change in agriculture (Kenya & Tanzania) 9 Land health surveillance system in support of Malawi food security project (Malawi) 10 Land health surveillance system for targeting agroforestry based interventions for sustainable land productivity in the western highlands of Cameroon 11 A Protocol for Measurement and Monitoring Soil Carbon Stocks in Agricultural Landscapes Land Health Projects (i) 3 Ermias Betemariam, Erick Towett | Hands-on soil infrared spectroscopy training course | Nairobi | May 2014 |

Land Health Surveillance Consistent field protocol Soil spectroscopy Coupling with remote sensing Prevalence, Risk factors, Digital mapping Sentinel sites Randomized sampling schemes 4 Ermias Betemariam, World Agroforestry Science Week 8-12 Sept 2014, Nairobi |

Land Degradation Surveillance Framework (LDSF) 5 Ermias Betemariam, World Agroforestry Science Week 8-12 Sept 2014, Nairobi |


Land Health out-scaling projects Tibetan Plateau/ Mekong Parklands Malawi National surveillance systems Regional Information Systems Project baselines Rangelands E/W Africa SLM Cameroon MICCA E. Africa Global-Continental Monitoring Systems Evergreen Ag / Horn of Africa CRP5 pan-tropical basins AfSIS EthioSIS- Ethiopia 7 Cocoa - CDI Ermias Betemariam, World Agroforestry Science Week 8-12 Sept 2014, Nairobi |

Land Health Projects No.Name of project 1 Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS)/Africa Soils (SSA) 3 Soil monitoring protocol for the World Bank Living Standards Measurement Study (Ethiopia &..) 4 Carbon sequestration options in pastoral & agro-pastoral systems in Africa (Burkina Faso & Ethiopia) 5 Land health surveillance for high value biocarbon development (Kenya, Burkina Faso & Sierra Leone) 6 Land health surveillance system for smallholder cocoa in Ivory Coast 7 Trees for food security in Eastern Africa (Rwanda, Ethiopia, Burundi & Uganda) 8 Land health surveillance for mitigation of climate change in agriculture (Kenya & Tanzania) 9 Land health surveillance system in support of Malawi food security project (Malawi) 10 Land health surveillance system for targeting agroforestry based interventions for sustainable land productivity in the western highlands of Cameroon 11 A Protocol for Measurement and Monitoring Soil Carbon Stocks in Agricultural Landscapes Land Health Projects 8 Ermias Betemariam, World Agroforestry Science Week 8-12 Sept 2014, Nairobi |

9 Land Health Projects (ii) Ermias Betemariam, World Agroforestry Science Week 8-12 Sept 2014, Nairobi |







16 Goal Strengthen the use of decision sciences and risk assessment in agricultural development and Deliver well-targeted information systems that reduce critical uncertainties and risks in key investment decisions facing stakeholders on improving land health and livelihoods Decision Analysis and Risk Assessment

AfSIS: Soil functional properties From polygon-based to probabilistic mapping + Probability of observing cultivation Current lime requirement ? ~ min [prob(pH < 5.5), prob(cult)] Probability topsoil pH < very acid soils Grid-based probabilistic maps increases the reliability of the map and its power to be combined with other data sources (remote sensing & terrain data) (Walsh, 2013) = Taxonomic soil classification systems provide little information on soil functionality in particular the productivity function (Mueller et al 2010) 17

Ermias Betemariam | Hands-on soil infrared spectroscopy training course | Nairobi | Nov. 12, 2013 | 18 Vegetation Health

Context Table 12.2: Estimated tree density Ermias Betemariam, World Agroforestry Science Week 8-12 Sept 2014, Nairobi |

20 Soil Health Ermias Betemariam, World Agroforestry Science Week 8-12 Sept 2014, Nairobi |

21 Estimated inherent soil degradation risk Ermias Betemariam, World Agroforestry Science Week 8-12 Sept 2014, Nairobi |

LDSF is flexible Ermias Betemariam | Hands-on soil infrared spectroscopy training course | Nairobi | Nov. 12, 2013 | 22 Biomass Biodiversity