MAKING THE CASE… for STEM Education STEM Leadership Network: Forum #1 October 17, 2013 ESD 123 Blue Mtn. Room Georgia Boatman & Peggy Willcuts
PREPARING YOUR STEM NOTEBOOK Title for Today’s Page: SLN Forum #1 October 17, 2013 ESD 123 Blue Mt. Room 2
Tools for Your Use… Quick inventory of table: Table Box – take off the lid and set underneath SLN Binder Add elements from previous sessions 3
4 Remember your two lenses… 4 Adult Learner Instructional Leader
AGENDA OVERVIEW PART ONE: Dipping into the Research: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas SLN/SNL Weekend Update on NGSS PART TWO: Targeting NGSS Dimensions with STEM PART THREE: Action Planning 5 Lunch !
GOALS Build a shared understanding of the elements of effective STEM instruction Increase awareness of the research supporting effective teaching and learning Experience, first-hand, an immersion activity modeling effective STEM instruction Take action together as school district teams 6
SLN/SNL: NGSS Update with Peggy Willcuts and Georgia Boatman! 8
CCSS and NGSS Washington’s Implementation Phases and Timelines 9
Widespread Input: 4,000+ educators, stakeholders and students 11
What We Do…..What We Will Need to Do 15 What we are doing now What we will need to do differently
18 ADOPTED October 4, 2013 !!
States Who Have Adopted Rhode Island Kentucky Kansas Maryland Vermont California Delaware Washington 19
Design Process Graphic Comparison Design Squad/ PNNL Family Engineering NGSS
Design Process Graphic Comparison Design Squad /PNNL Family Engineering NGSS SIMILARITIES? DIFFERENCES?
Artistic Robots Have you worked with toys that light up, wind, move, make sounds when you push a button or flip a switch? What powers those toys?
Artistic Robots Work in teams of 4 engineers Use your creativity to design and build an artistic robot You have ONLY the materials in the bag: Rubber bands Craft sticks Paper clips Eraser Cup Motor Battery Markers Drinking straws Tape (from table)
Artistic Robots The TWO most important parts of your design to make your robot move: The motor and the battery First questions you must answer: How do you make the energy flow from the battery to the motor? How can you prove that flow of energy from the battery?
Artistic Robots Read together the design challenge. Talk, brainstorm and sketch first. Remain a team and listen to everyone. Remember there are many possible solutions. THEN YOU MAY: Come forward to receive our bag of materials. Use as many things in the bag as you wish. Test often and optimize.
Engineering Design (NGSS) K-2 ETS1.A ETS1.C Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems Developing Possible Solutions Optimizing the Design Solution ETS1.B A situation that people want to change or create can be approached as a problem to be solved through engineering. Asking questions, making observations, and gathering information are helpful in thinking about problems. Before beginning to design a solution, it is important to clearly understand the problem Designs can be conveyed through sketches, drawings, or physical models. These representations are useful in communicating ideas for a problem’s solutions to other people. Because there is always more than one possible solution to a problem, it is useful to compare and test designs.
Engineering Design (NGSS) 3-5 ETS1.A ETS1.C Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems Developing Possible Solutions Optimizing the Design Solution ETS1.B Possible solutions to a problem are limited by available materials and resources (constraints). The success of a designed solution is determined by considering the desired features of a solution (criteria). Different proposals for solutions can be compared on the basis of how well each one meets the specified criteria for success or how well each takes the constraints into account. Research on a problem should be carried out before beginning to design a solution. Testing a solution involves investigating how well it performs under a range of likely conditions. At whatever stage, communicating with peers about proposed solutions is an important part of the design process, and shared ideas can lead to improved designs. Tests are often designed to identify failure points or difficulties, which suggest the elements of the design that need to be improved Different solutions need to be tested in order to determine which of them best solves the problem, given the criteria and the constraints.
Engineering Design (NGSS) Middle School ETS1.A ETS1.C Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems Developing Possible Solutions Optimizing the Design Solution ETS1.B The more precisely a design task’s criteria and constraints can be defined, the more likely it is that the designed solution will be successful. Specification of constraints includes consideration of scientific principles and other relevant knowledge that are likely to limit possible solutions. A solution needs to be tested, and then modified on the basis of the test results, in order to improve it. There are systematic processes for evaluating solutions with respect to how well they meet the criteria and constraints of a problem. Sometimes parts of different solutions can be combined to create a solution that is better than any of its predecessors. Models of all kinds are important for testing solutions. Although one design may not perform the best across all tests, identifying the characteristics of the design that performed the best in each test can provide useful information for the redesign process – that is, some of those characteristics may be incorporated into the new design The iterative process of testing the most promising solutions and modifying what is proposed on the basis of the test results leads to greater refinement and ultimately to an optimal solution.
Engineering Design (NGSS) High School ETS1.AETS1.C Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems Developing Possible Solutions Optimizing the Design Solution ETS1.B Criteria and constraints also include satisfying any requirements set by society, such as taking issues of risk mitigation into account, and they should be quantified to the extent possible and stated in such a way that one can tell if a given design meets them. Humanity faces major global challenges today, which can be addressed through engineering These global challenges also may have manifestations in local communities. When evaluating solutions, it is important to take into account a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics, and to consider social, cultural, and environmental impacts. Both physical models and computers can be used in various ways to aid in the engineering design process. Computers are useful for a variety of purposes, such as running simulations to test different ways of solving a problem or to see which on is most efficient or economical; and in making a persuasive presentation to a client about how a given design will meet his or her needs. Criteria may need to be broken down into simpler ones that can be approached systematically, and decisions about the priority of certain criteria over other (trade-offs) may be needed.
Family Engineering as a Resource Family Engineering In the Classroom At a Family Event Aligned with: Career Awareness Launch STEM Efforts Partnership Opportunity for Engineers and Business NGSS : SEP, CCC, DCI, ETS Common Core (ELA & Math) Instructional Materials 21 st Century Skills Engage and Inform Parents Broader Community?
Family Engineering as a Resource Family Scienc e Ice Breakers Engineering Challenges No Materials Simple Materials Materials Dependen t Self Directed Openers 5 – 10 minutes minutes Use Design Process Up to 60 minutes Family Engineering
Action Planning: Divide and Conquer 35 Sort yourselves into two groups: Teams new to the STEM Leadership Network Veteran STEM Leadership Network Teams Meet with…. New Teams-Georgia Veteran Teams-Peggy
Final Notes… Please complete your evaluation Next Meeting: January 24 th 10:00 Bring your Framework for K-12 Science Education Book Bring your Action Plan Documents Drive safely! 36
MAKING THE CASE… for STEM Education STEM Leadership Network: Forum #1 October 25, 2012 ESD 123 Blue Mtn. Room Georgia Boatman & Peggy Willcuts