Goal: To be able to demonstrate that students can apply their knowledge of clothing items in Spanish, demonstrative adjectives, higher numbers and stem changing verbs querer, preferir and pensar. Activities: 1.Entrada: ¿Cuál es tu ropa favorita? ¿Por qué? 2.Worksheet possessive adjectives 3.Las tiendas de ropa – el proyecto: Parte II: el catálogo 4.Worksheet demonstrative adjectives Success Criteria: My partner and I finished writing our catalog entries Our poster is ready to turn in tomorrow I have finished the 2 worksheets, or will have them done for tomorrow Goal: To be able to demonstrate that students can apply their knowledge of clothing items in Spanish, demonstrative adjectives, higher numbers and stem changing verbs querer, preferir and pensar. Activities: 1.Entrada: ¿Cuál es tu ropa favorita? ¿Por qué? 2.Worksheet possessive adjectives 3.Las tiendas de ropa – el proyecto: Parte II: el catálogo 4.Worksheet demonstrative adjectives Success Criteria: My partner and I finished writing our catalog entries Our poster is ready to turn in tomorrow I have finished the 2 worksheets, or will have them done for tomorrow Horario
4 articles of clothing depicted in store front An artfully designed store front and window display that shows your 4 clothing items Prices written out as words in Spanish and in numerical value (including the currency symbol you are using) COLOR Point Value 4 pts 4 clothing items 4 pts prices written in Spanish in words 2 points color 3 pts well drawn store front and window 2 pts style If you finish your poster early, begin writing up your catalog descriptions! Poster Requirements
Today you will make a mini-catalog describing your four clothing items in Spanish in paragraph form You will need to draw a mini picture of your clothing item in color and then write the description underneath the picture. Give one page for one item. Use 1 blank sheet of white paper and divide it into four mini-pages. You may staple your mini-catalog to the corner of your poster, or glue each page around the edges of your poster, artfully. Each description should include: a. what the article of clothing is in Spanish (dress, pants) b. What colors the item is available in and what sizes (extra- grande/grande/mediano/pequeño- watch gender and number on sizes) c. what event, occasion and weather condition the article of clothing is appropriate for d. the price written out in words in Spanish e. Why people will want to buy this item (great deal, fits great etc) Parte II: El catálogo de ropa
This time you won’t be presenting your projects verbally, but you will be displaying your “escaparate y catálogo” for others to view on Friday. ¡Vámonos de compras! (Sin dinero – no money needed!) Friday you will receive an activity sheet that will guide you as you go shopping through the stores your classmates have created. You will be choosing your favorite store (not your own, of course) whether you like it for the “ambiance” or for the clothing it offers You will be telling us what two (or more) items you want to buy You will tell us what your “compañero/a prefers to your choices” You will tell us which store you think are deserving of bonus points and why (not your own, of course!) Parte III: ¡Vámonos de compras
Goal: To be able to demonstrate that students can translate the er and ir verbs from the list to English and can conjugate them in all forms. Activities: 1.Entrada: ¿Debes estudiar mucho en la clase de español? 2.PPT 3.Practice er/ir verb mastery test 4.Translations Success Criteria: I can translate all of the er and ir verbs to English I can conjugate them in all of their forms Goal: To be able to demonstrate that students can translate the er and ir verbs from the list to English and can conjugate them in all forms. Activities: 1.Entrada: ¿Debes estudiar mucho en la clase de español? 2.PPT 3.Practice er/ir verb mastery test 4.Translations Success Criteria: I can translate all of the er and ir verbs to English I can conjugate them in all of their forms Horario