National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems: Resources and Technical Assistance Shelley Zion Project Coordinator
Purpose The National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems provides technical assistance and professional development to close the achievement gap between students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and their peers, and reduce inappropriate referrals to special education.
Mission Supporting state education agencies and local school systems to assure a quality, culturally responsive education for all students
NCCRESt’s Work Reduce Disproportionality Networking and Dissemination Research and Development Continuous Improvement Professional Development
Continuous Improvement Accessible and Accurate Data State level planning for PD, TA & Information Networks Annual Continuous Improvement Cycles of Reflection/Planning/Action/Reflection Planning and Implementation Coherence
Technical Assistance RFP for level one state activities Memorandum of partnerships Quarterly teleseminars National Conferences
Annual National Conferences on Disproportionality Level One States- direct and intensive work with 8-12 States Partnerships with Regional Resource Centers, National TA Centers, Presentations at National Conferences
Needs Assessment Survey to State Directors/Team Leaders - The purpose of this survey is to collect information about state capacity to provide technical assistance in the area of disproportionality, to identify areas of need that NCCRESt can support, and to target our resource development and dissemination to best assist states in their planning. Follow up survey to meeting participants - This survey will collect information about the benefits of the meeting, the progress the team has made toward their identified goals, and identify gaps in the services provided by NCCRESt. Technical Papers - NCCRESt is developing a series of technical papers, to be co-authored by regional and state participants that will directly address state identified needs and topics. Stories from the Classroom- NCCRESt is developing a forum on the website where practitioners can submit examples of best practices that are culturally responsive and contribute to the achievement of all students. Upcoming Activities
High Leverage Analysis Questions CONTROL: To what degree is this something we have control to change or address? IMPACT: How likely are we to make a significant difference for students by addressing this challenge? TREND: Based on the data, is this challenge likely to get worse, stay the same or get better? What is the potential cost of not addressing it now? SCOPE: What is the breadth and depth of benefits of addressing this challenge? How many students would benefit if you addressed this challenge? Which students would benefit? URGENCY: What relevance does this challenge have to your school’s current goals or needs? PRIORITY: How would students/family/community members rank this challenge in terms of priority? PRACTICALITY: What is the likelihood of success? Does your team have access to known solutions? Is there expertise or support available to address this challenge? BIG PICTURE: To what extent will addressing this challenge prepare your state to take on more systemic or long-term goals?
Professional Development On-going professional development, with support, is key to the promotion of culturally responsive practice. Professional development must be supported at multiple levels, with everyone “on the same page”—we advocate top down support for bottom up reform (Darling-Hammond & McLaughlin, 1995). Yet change can be difficult—practitioners work in complex cultural milieus and, thus, the acquisition of new research knowledge requires that they change what they think and do and transform the contexts in which they work. Teacher beliefs, feelings of self-efficacy, attitudes, and perceptions all affect the extent to which they try new strategies and persist in using them even when confronted with challenges (Artiles, 1996; Sparks, 1988).
Professional Development Networks of Schools Whole School Improvement Culturally Responsive Focused on Practice Based in Inquiry Linked to Student learning Preservice to Retirement Professional Identity and Goals Ongoing and job embedded
PD Modules Introduction: Leadership Academy Manual Systemic Change Conceptual Framework for Addressing Disproportionality Culturally Responsive Educational Systems Literacy Practices Early Intervention PBIS Differentiated Instruction Collection and Use of Evidence Impact of Urban Culture on Teachers and Students Building Capacity Through Family Voice and Participation The Special Education Referral Process and Pre-Referral Strategies Students
PD ContentCoaching Networking & DisseminationInformation Systems To provide coaching and support to district staff and others who are providing technical assistance to the schools adopting inclusive practices and partnering with the National Institute. To actively support inquiry practices, provide high quality data, support for data analysis and adjustments, and communication with parents and the community. To explore collaborative opportunities, build a common language, create a collaborative atmosphere for change. To develop learning communities at multiple levels, ensure embedded professional development, and support the system to maintain a rich repertoire of research-based, inclusive educational practices.
Research & Development Practitioners Community Members Families Researchers Policy Makers and Influencers
R & D Products Practitioners Practitioner Briefs 1. A Historical Perspective 2. Measurement Issues 3. SPED Process 4. Legal Regulations and Rights 5. Guidelines for Parents * Solutions 6. CR Pedagogy 7. CR Teacher Education 8. Literacy for AA Learners 9. Parent Involvement 10. Prereferral Interventions 11. Governance/Administrative Issues 12. Discipline & Race Researchers/Policymakers Journal Special Issues Culturally Responsive (CR) Literacy Practices: African American Students Culturally Responsive (CR) Literacy Practices: English Language Learners Culturally Responsive Practices: American Indians Interdisciplinary Views on Culture in Learning Positive Behavioral Support Models Culture and Equity in the Special Education Process Equity Implications of Reforms for SPED Students Culturally Responsive Research to Practice
R & D Products Assessment Tool 1. Assess problem: Risk index and odds ratio 2. Five domains: (a) Governance, Organization, Policy and Climate (b) Family Involvement (c) Curriculum (d) Organization of Learning (e) Special Education Processes and Programs On Line Meta-Tag Library Research Studies 1.Analysis of state placement: Colorado 2. The social contexts of the construction of competence: Opportunity to learn, referral, & placement processes Extending the Discourse Series Alternative Viewpoints: Explanations of Racial Minority Placement in Sped Conference, Book, and Journal Issue: Struggling ELL - Language Acquisition or LD? Co-Sponsored by CEC and NABE* Topics: Theoretical & methodological issues, population, pre-referrals/referral, assessment, instruction, future directions Confirmed authors: J. Abedi, L. Baca, J. Cummins, E. Garcia, J. MacSwan, R. Rueda?, N. Ruiz, D. Haager, K. Escamilla, S. Vaughn
Networking and Dissemination Sharing of information across community, professional, advocacy and policy organizations Information dissemination to our expanding network Enews and Web Site development From the Tipping Point ( Gladwell, 2002 ) –Mavens (Opinion Leaders) –Connectors –Agents –Stickiness