GOMC Organizational Assessment Progress to Date Joan LeBlanc GOMC Council Coordinator
Direction from June 2014 Council Meeting Conduct GOMC organizational assessment during NH year Convene a Council Advisory Committee as a subset of the Council to provide direction throughout year Steve and Joan will develop a draft scope for the assessment Recommendations from the assessment will be considered at the June 2015 Council meeting
Direction from June 2014 Council Meeting During assessment year – Ongoing programs and committees Fund development activities Action plan priorities - will continue in current form throughout the year
Organizational Assessment Overarching themes – ensure GOMC is: Able to make a difference, “in the game” Strategic Decision-based Reflective of jurisdictional priorities Relevant Effective Able to adapt to changing needs
Council Identified Two Highest Priority ‘Types of Work’ GOMC should continue to focus on within framework of a streamlined organization 1. Networking / Multi-jurisdictional Collaboration and Facilitation 2. Sharing Resources / Best Practices / Capacity Building (regional or jurisdictional)
Progress Since June 2014 Council Meeting WG Conducted Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) exercise WG conducted session to identify opportunities to implement ‘Types of Work’ Lee and Susan prepared summary from ‘Voices of the Gulf’ session at CZC 2014 Steve and Joan developed scope and timeline for organizational assessment
Progress Since June 2014 Council Meeting Joan set up webpage for Council Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting materials and reference documents (partial list - p. 10 of briefing book) CAC first meeting in August to provide feedback and direction regarding the scope and timeline In August, CAC identified GOMC leadership and structure as the first order or business for the organizational assessment.
Progress Since June 2014 Council Meeting Following August CAC meeting direction – Steve and Joan worked with Secretariat Team to develop options regarding GOMC leadership and structure for consideration at September CAC meeting
Progress Since June 2014 Council Meeting At September meeting, CAC discussed options and directed WG to assist with – Evaluating option of combining Working Group and Council into one entity Fleshing out 4 potential options for restructuring leadership
Next Steps Steve and Joan propose conducting a survey to engage Working Group and Council in prioritizing potential opportunities for pursuing two ‘Types of Work’ WG will participate in two sessions during today’s meeting
Session 1 - GOMC Structure Explore option of combining WG and Council into one entity Why? Streamline operations Improve organizational effectiveness
Session 2 - GOMC Leadership Options Identify constraints and opportunities for 4 options for leadership structure 1. No Change. Existing State / Provincial leadership 2. State / Provincial and Federal Partners Joint Leadership 3. State / Provincial, Federal, NGOs share leadership 4. Network Approach
Reaffirmed GOMC Founding Purpose (1989) To enable the region’s governments to be more effective stewards To sustain strong partnerships To integrate watershed, coastal, and ocean management