G UARDIANS OF G A ’H OOLE March Wikitastic Book Report The Hatchling By : Katheryn Lasky
Metalpeak Nyra Metalpeak and Nyra have an egg, before metal beak dies.
Nyra takes care of this egg. She gives it all she can, for this owl is son of the leader of the pure ones.
HTTP :// WWW. HANCOCKWILDLIFE. ORG / FORUM / VIEWTOPIC. PHP ? SHOWTOPIC =33199 When the owl hatches it is named Nyroc.
This chick is raised to be evil.
Nyroc is extremely good at everything, like flying and catching prey.
Everyone thinks he will grow up just like his father. And take over the leadership.
In one of his ceremonies he has to burn his fathers bone, but when he does this he sees images in the fire that no one else can see.
He can become a leader after one more task.
Then he finds out what the task is. He must kill his best friend!
He escapes from the pure ones and with his fire sight he learns his history and destiny.
What is his destiny?
Images from the Guardians of Ga’Hoole movie.