NCEXTEND2 Assessments Mike Gallagher, NCDPI Nadine McBride, NCDPI Sheila Garner Brown, TOPS
NCEXTEND2 EOG Operational tests administered in –Reading Grades 3-8 –Mathematics 3-8 –Science Grades 5 and 8 Field tests administered in –Reading Grades 3-8
NCEXTEND2 EOG Background Information Federal regulations allow states to create an assessment based on modified achievement standards Only for students with disabilities Multiple-choice alternate assessment based on grade-level content Modified format
Format of NCEXTEND2 EOG Multiple-Choice Tests Simplified language in test items Shorter reading selections (mostly one page) Fewer items on each test
Format of NCEXTEND2 EOG Multiple-Choice Tests Uses 3 answer choices (foils) All state approved accommodations allowed Covers the range of thinking skills Items written by trained North Carolina teachers
Eligibility Criteria The student must have an IEP The student’s progress in response to high-quality instruction is such that the student is not likely to achieve grade- level proficiency within the school year covered by the IEP The student’s disability has precluded the student from achieving grade level proficiency, as demonstrated by objective evidence
Eligibility Criteria (cont’d) The student’s IEP must include goals that are based on grade-level content standards and provide for monitoring of the student’s progress in achieving those goals The nature of the student’s disability may require assessments that are different in design.
Eligibility Criteria What the data show… Highest frequency eligibility areas reported for students administered the NCEXTEND2 for SY was SLD and EMD However, all disability categories are eligible and typically represented in the data
Important Points Participation decisions are made on an individual, student-by-student basis Blanket decisions for groups of students are NOT appropriate
Accommodations Same accommodations are available as standard test (e.g., EOG) Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud accommodation IS NOT a valid accommodation for the NCEXTEND2 EOG in reading
Achievement Standards Modified Academic Achievement Standards Achievement Level Ranges –Reading, Mathematics, and Science –Ranges and descriptors may be found in State Board of Education policy manual—HSP-C-026
State and Federal Reporting of Scores Included in ABCs –Performance composite Included in AYP –Participation –Proficiency (limit of 2% of the LEA’s tested population can be reported as proficient with this assessment)
Occupational Course of Study NCEXTEND2 for Operational tests administered in –Occupational English I –Occupational Mathematics I –Life Skills Science I & II One assessment given at the end of the second course
Testing Options Chart /accountability/policyoperations/nctp assessmentoptions.pdf
NCEXTEND2 Writing—Grades 4 & 7 for 2008 Writing Assessment System piloted for NCEXTEND2 assessment IS available for those students GRADE-LEVEL, modified assessment The rubrics and the composing features of the Grade 4 and Grade 7 NCEXTEND2 Writing Assessments DO NOT differ from the General Assessment.
NCEXTEND2—Writing Grades 4 & 7 On-Demand Assessment On-demand assessment: same prompt as for general Different application of rubrics Approved accommodations allowed Grade 7 must be completed using keyboarding
NCEXTEND2—Writing Grades 4 & 7 Content Specific Assessment Content specific prompts: may be the same or may be modified (simplified language) Bank of prompts are available Teachers may choose the prompt for a student or may create their own. Sample prompt: Write a report about animal rights and protecting endangered animals.
NCEXTEND2—Writing Grades 4 & 7 Writing Assessment System Pilot Information regarding the WAS Pilot is available at testing/writing/writingpilot Frequently Asked Questions testing/writing/writingpilotfaqs
Sample Item Information for Multiple-Choice NCEXTEND2 Sample items for all content areas available on NCDPI website at policies/tswd/ncextend2
Examples of Sample Items Some items were modified from general test items. Item on general test read as: What conclusion can be drawn from the information on the circle graph? A. Drew spends more time asleep than awake B.Drew spends more time doing homework than he does watching television C. Drew spends more time at school than he does participating in sports, eating, or doing homework D. Drew spends the same amount of time eating as he spends watching television
Examples of Sample Items Modified to… What takes up most time in Andy’s schedule? A. Sports B. School C. Sleeping
Examples of Sample Items NCEXTEND2 Science Gr. 5 When will clouds most likely form? A. when air becomes dry B. when condensation occurs C. when runoff causes flooding
Examples of Sample Items NCEXTEND2 Mathematics Grade 5 Which type of angle can be in a right triangle? A. obtuse B. acute C. straight
Examples of Sample Items NCEXTEND2 Reading Grade 4 Why was Bear angry? A. He did not get what he wanted. B. He would no longer be able to hunt. C. He wanted daylight all the time.
NCEXTEND2 Special Study Comparability between NCEXTEND2 EOG and general administration EOG Conducted as part of an external grant EOG 3-8 Participants Half of the sample administered NCEXTEND2 Half of the sample administered general administration EOG Performance of the two groups compared
NCEXTEND2 Special Study Sample of students across the state For the grades currently analyzed, results show the study population approximates the state
NCEXTEND2 Special Study Results Preliminary findings are that the NCEXTEND2 is less difficult than the General Ed test Students were classified by achievement level similarly on the two assessments
Current Status of NCEXTEND2 Tests Essential Standards requires review of the OCS standards North Carolina’s 2% assessments (NCEXTEND2 EOG and NCEXTEND2 OCS) have not received final approval from the federal government Undergoing peer review at this time
US Department of Education 2% Final Regulations (April 2007) finrule/2007-2/040907a.html Guidance (Q&A) (July 2007) twopercent.doc
Helpful Websites Testing Students with Disabilities policies/tswd NCEXTEND2 policies/tswd/ncextend2 Writing Assessment information testing/writing/
CONTACT INFORMATION Mike Gallagher, Ph.D. Test and Measurement Specialist North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Nadine McBride, Ph.D. Psychometrician North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Sheila Brown Performance and Alternate Assessments Manager Technical Outreach for Public Schools