Welcome to Curriculum Night Anita Glover 2 nd & 4 th Tanya Cheeves: K, 1st and 3rd Elizabeth Stevens & Melissa Davis: 2 nd and 5 th
Operates under the state and county guidelines to identify and meet the needs of students who are intellectually and creatively gifted. Is a resource for ALL teachers and staff who work with these students on a daily basis. Strives to encourage higher levels of thinking and performance for ALL students.
There are 4 steps in the process. 1) Referral 2) G.E.T. Committee Meeting 3) Evaluation 4) Eligibility determined 5) Learn more Learn more
Mental Ability 96 th percentile or above on a standardized test of mental ability, composite or full scale score Achievement 90 th percentile or above on a standardized achievement test (Total Reading, Total Math or Total Battery) Creativity 90 th percentile or above on a total battery of a standardized test of creativity Motivation 90 th percentile or above on a standardized rating score
Bright Child Knows the answers 6-8 repetitions for mastery Completes assignments Enjoys school Absorbs information Works hard Top group Learns with ease Gifted Learner Asks the questions 1-2 repetitions for mastery Initiates projects Enjoys learning Manipulates information Plays around, yet tests well Beyond the group Already knows
Horizons students may leave their classrooms for a couple of hours each week to engage in intensive multidisciplinary units of study. Horizons students’ work in the regular classroom may be modified based upon collaboration between their classroom teachers and Horizons teachers.
Programming Standards for Meeting the Needs of Gifted & High-Ability Learners Because Georgia school systems are dedicated to promoting the cognitive and affective growth of gifted and high-ability learners, the Georgia Association for Gifted Children and the Georgia Department of Education have collaborated to provide you with updated standards for your gifted education program. Assessment Standard A1: The local education agency (LEA) uses the research-based student identification process as established by Georgia Board of Education policy in order to ensure equitable access to appropriate services for all gifted learners. Standard A2: All teachers assess student progress in order to develop and modify instructional practices. Curriculum Planning & Instruction Standard CP&I1: The LEA employs rigorous and relevant curricula K-12 to accommodate the range of academic and intellectual needs of gifted learners. Standard CP&I2: The LEA employs diverse and effective instructional practices to address the learning needs of gifted learners. Learning Environments Standard LE1: The LEA requires learning experiences which foster personal and social responsibility, multicultural competence, and interpersonal and technical communication skills for citizenship in the global environment of the 21 st century.
Programming Standard P1: The LEA provides a full continuum of options to meet the demonstrated needs of K-12 gifted learners in academic areas, the arts, and career technical education; services are comprehensive, structured, sequenced, and appropriately challenging. Professional Development Standard PD1: Gifted education specialists participate in comprehensive professional learning that is relevant to needs of gifted learners. Standard PD2: All school personnel involved in the education of gifted learners participate in professional learning that focuses on the needs and characteristics of gifted learners.
High Horizons Log Teacher Websites/Student Work Newsletters through 18 week Progress Reports January and May best way to contact
Unit: Poetry Reading/Writing Connection Beginning Analogies Vocabulary/Word of the Day Technology (B.Y.O.T.) Math & Algebraic Thinking Logical Problem Solving and Creative Thinking PETS: Primary Education Thinking Skills D/wixie.htmlhttp://forsyth.wixie.com/p/czE2NTM5OA%3D%3 D/wixie.html
Unit: River of Words Contest- research watersheds, write poetry, and create art piecesRiver of Words Logical thinking- Logic Links and Coin Clues Systematic Word Study Poetry Unit Math Exemplars/Problem Solving through Real World Math Reading Comprehension/Daily Writing
Unit: Poetry and Our Environment Brain Boosters Vocabulary Cartoons (Quizlet) Technology (B.Y.O.T.) Math – Exemplars/Problem Solving/Geometry Creative Thinking/River of Words PETS: Primary Education Thinking Skills
Mini Unit: Poetry and ROW Research UnitROW Reading/Writing/Research: 21 st Century Skills Challenge Math & Hands-on Equations (Algebraic Thinking) Example Lesson Challenge Math Example Lesson Vocabulary: Caesar's English and Root Words (Quizlet) Vocabulary: Caesar's English Root Words Logic Problem Solving and Creative Thinking Edmodo and Wikispaces EdmodoWikispaces B.Y.O.T Math and Language Brain Challenges “Literacy – is not just learning to read a book anymore.” The way we communicate, read, write, listen, persuade, learn from others, and accomplish community actions is changing.” - Educational Leadership, March 2009
Unit: Civil War Simulation I-imagine projects Hands-on Equations Example LessonExample Lesson Vocabulary: Caesar's English (practice links Vocabulary: Caesar's English through Edmodo) Logical Problem Solving and Creative Thinking River of Words Contest- research watersheds, write poetry, and create art pieces
BYOT- Bring your own technology Edmodo Edmodo Socrative Socrative Wikispaces Wikispaces Looking for Apps Looking for Apps Learn more Learn more