Welcome to the 4 th Grade Meet the Teacher! Lakeshore Elementary
All about Ms. Birk 2 nd year at LSE in 4 th grade Graduated from SFA- Axe ‘em Jacks! Has lived in 2 states and 4 countries Enjoys reading, running, and traveling Coaches Girls on the Run at LSE
All about Mrs. Fairchild 3rd year at LSE in 4 th grade Graduated from U of H – Downtown Masters – UT Arlington Has three kids: aged 17, 19, and 21 Enjoys reading, being on the water, and going to the movies
The Fourth Grade Team Mrs. Fairchild-Math & Spelling Ms. Birk-Writing, Science, & Spelling Mrs. Kinney (Guest Teacher)– Reading,Texas History, & Spelling Mrs. O’Donnell-Math, Science, & Texas History Mrs. Santangelo-Reading, Writing, & Spelling Mrs. McClure-Math, Science, & Texas History Mrs. Marucci-Reading, Writing, & Spelling
4 th Grade Schedule 8:00-8:25Homeroom 8:25-10:00Block 1 10:00-10:25 Block 2 (Includes Spelling) 10:25-11:20 Specials 11:20-12:35 Block 2 Continued 12:35-1:05 Lunch 1:05-1:15Block 2 Continued 1:15-1:30Recess 1:30-3:05Block 3 3:05-3:20 Dismissal Procedures 3:10 Car Riders 3:15 Bus and Day Care 3:20 Kids R Kids / Bikers & Walkers
Specials Due to the size of our school, we are on a 7 day specials rotation. The schedule is posted on my website, and your child should always know what day it is. Please make sure they are wearing close toed shoes for P.E! Ms. Birk A- PE B-Computer C- Music D- PE E- Library F- I-Station G-Art/Guidance Mrs. Fairchild A- Computer B- Music C- PE D- Library E- I-Station F- Art/Guidance G- PE Mrs. Kinney A- Art/Guidance B- PE C- Computer D- Music E- PE F- Library G- I-Station
Contact Information Ms. Birk – ( website link )website link Mrs. Fairchild ( website link )website link Mrs. Kinney
Communication We will send out a weekly newsletter, via , typically on Monday. Please check out our website for class specific information! Parent/teacher conferences will be in October and as needed. Important back to school information can be found on Lakeshore’s homepage.
Planner Students will have planners to write their homework, school calendar events, 4th grade class events, and reminders in. It does not have to be signed, but please check it! All homework is written on Monday and can be completed throughout the week. It is all due Friday, unless otherwise noted.
Take Home Folder Your child’s green take home folder will need to come back and forth to school daily. It will contain their homework, AR goal sheets, and any urgent notes or flyers for the week.
Friday Folder Your child’s purple Friday folder will be sent home on Fridays. It will contain graded assignments and progress reports/report cards. Please return empty, except for signed progress reports/report cards, on Monday morning.
Absence / Transportation Notes If your child is absent, please send a written note or to their homeroom teacher. If we do not receive a written note within 48-hours, the absence is considered unexcused. If your child has a change in transportation, a written note must be given to the homeroom teacher prior to 2:30 p.m.
Healthy Snack Your child will have the opportunity to have a healthy snack each day. Please send a healthy, non-messy snack such as: pretzels, crackers, fruit, vegetables, and cereal/granola bars.
Recess / Lunch Due to the size of our school, lunch visitors will now sit at a guest table with their child. Recess will only be with partner teams (Birk, Fairchild, & Kinney). Your child will have recess from 1:15-1:30.
Rewards We will be using Class Dojo to monitor classroom expectations across all classes. At the end of the week, students will trade their points for money to use in our classroom reward menu.
Home Access Center- Grades Humble ISD Website – homepage Scroll down to Annual Student Update and click link. (or click here.... )or click here.... Click Enrollment Resources and this will provide you step by step instructions Grades are updated weekly, so please check and contact your child’s teacher if necessary!
Austin Field Trip Fourth grade takes a field trip to Austin,Tx each year. We will be going in the spring. We travel on Greyhound Buses, departing early in the morning and arriving back in Houston in the late evening. We travel to the Capitol and Bob Bollock Museum. Lunch and Dinner are provided. More details to come as the date is confirmed.
Math Information Students must know their multiplication facts so practice, practice, practice! Check website weekly for announcements, homework assignments, journal notes, tutorials, important dates, etc. Math Assessments include class participation, daily assignments, quizzes, and tests.
Social Studies/Science Information Typically, Journals will stay at school; however, students may take them home to study provided they have them in class each day. Most work is done in class except to study for assessments. Students will complete several projects during the school year. Projects will be sent home once we are done displaying them in class.
Reading Information. Independent reading books travel from home and school. Please make sure your child has a book at school daily. Students must read 80 minutes weekly (20 minutes a night Monday-Thursday) and log their reading on Whooo’s Reading. Weekly reading is checked on Fridays. If a student has an activity during the week, they are more than welcome to double their reading on their off night. Reading comprehension passages will be sent home for homework later in the year.
Writing Information Check website weekly for announcements, homework assignments, tutorials, important dates, etc. Revising/Editing passages will be sent home as homework later in the year. Encourage your child to write at home! It doesn’t have to be perfect, but the more they write, the better they will get.
Spelling Information Check website weekly for list. Spelling Menu posted on website will not change. Must complete three activities, one from each section, weekly. Assignments in notebook will be checked on Friday. Student’s word study notebooks will travel between home and school daily. Spelling Tests will always be on Fridays, unless otherwise noted.
Tutoring Tutorials will begin the week of September 7 th. Students will be invited into tutorials based on various criteria Parents will sign a permission slip form Reading tutorials will be on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Math tutorials will be on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Writing tutorials will be on Friday mornings from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Thank you! We appreciate you taking time to come out and meet us! We are looking forward to working with your child this year!