The Best Proposal Ever
To establish a three-day interactive exercise that engages CISA students as well as other members of TISS (and the greater SOF community) with the dynamic relationships of a given international region in order to demonstrate the interplay of strategic policy. Purpose
Objectives Engage Students on the topics of Strategy (Estimates) Diplomacy DIME Complex Adaptive Systems Develop supporting products Maximize TISS participation Export the exercise Cultivate enrichment Maintain participant interest Considerations Parameters Focus on Strategy 2 credit hour course 3 Day Exercise Unk money / tech resources Outside participation / influence Politics Visible Event (TISS & SWCS) CISA-N Interest Products / Event / Effort must be measurable for grade purposes Outside commentary is likely TISS Validation
A Haitian Situation – Haiti continues to degenerate along given multiple lines (governmental, educational, environmental, poverty, etc) which culminates in an international incident (TBD). This exasperates many outlined (and in some cases ‘constructed’) links between all the playing countries. Examples: The rise of a charismatic nationalistic dictator upsets the Caribbean economic balance and results in militarization, economic response or even conflict. Coordinated terror acts from a transnational network based within the island cause a military / HR crisis in the region. A weak, yet recognizable governance in Haiti plays spoiler. First Phase – Teams plan (and meet?) in order to present national engagement strategy along the exercises prescribed lines of effort. The red cell takes briefs and adjudicates the incorporated progression of the game clock. Three iterations. Second Phase – Red cell “orchestrates” a peace summit, and teams shift into diplomatic exercise a la TISS / War College exercise. Third Phase – Resolutions from the summit are applied to an immerging crisis situation in the region (hurricane, earthquake, financial crisis, etc) in a 4 th national engagement strategy. Red cell decides the “Final Act” based on those presentations. Chronology begins in Winter 2015/2016 and advances by six month increments Concept and Chronology
Country Teams (6 x 6 pax, 1 x 12) - Ex: Mexico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Columbia, Honduras, Trinidad & Tabago, United States*** Admin Support Team* (4 pax) White Cell – Proctors (6 pax) Red Cell – DMs (8 pax) - 2 x Cuba, 3 x Hati, 3 x Red Cell * Record-Keeping duties ** Can be increased by adding country in multiples *** Sub-Divided into reps of other teams Haiti Mex DomRe p Ven Colum T&THond WhiteUSA Cuba RedAdmin Task Org (56)**
Day 2Day 1 Day 3 Proposed Schedule Intro Brief Team Meeting s st Presentations / Lunch Distraction Drill “Advance Clock” Team Meetings nd Presentations Closing Remarks Social Time1830-UTC Intro / “Advance” Team Meeting s rd Presentations / Lunch Advance / Soft Power Shift Team Meetings st Diplomacy Team Meetings nd Diplomacy Team Meetings rd Diplomacy Closing Remarks Social Time1830-UTC Team Meeting s th Diplomacy Closing Diplomacy Working Lunch / Crisis Update Team Meetings th Presentations Final Act1530-UTC Closing RemarksTBD Social TimeTBD Day
Area Studies (brief) and alignments of applicable countries Coordination with SWCS PAO Budget considerations… do we have one? (RFI) Exercise Area organization (1 x Auditorium, 7 x meeting rooms (min)) Connectivity (?) Control Group Personnel Requirements (20 pax) 8 x Red Cell 4 x Admin Cell 6 x White Cell 4 x USA Team Participation Personnel Requirements (36 pax) 21 x CISA Students 15 x OPEN SLOTS Invitations for DoS Reps and / or Military Officers as ‘accents’ Breakfasts, 1 x Lunch Deliverables & Considerations