Quiz Unit 1 Chapter 1 Section 1 Government and the State 1. ____________________ is an institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies. 2. A group of people who live in a defined territory that is organized politically are called a ____________________. 3. The _________________________ theory holds that the state was created by God and that God gave those of royal birth the right to rule. 4. The _________________________ theory holds that people agree to give up power to the state to promote the well-being of all. 5. ___________________ is the reasonable, fair, impartial administration of the law. 6. A ____________________ state has supreme and absolute power within its own territory. 7. The evolutionary theory of the origins of the state emphasizes that the state developed out of the ____________________. 8. To _______________________ is one of the six purposes of government. 9. The ____________________ theory of government holds that one person or group claimed control over an area and made the people submit to their rule. 10.A state must have population, sovereignty, government, and _____________.
Unit 1- Democracy, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and Civil Liberties Chapters to be covered Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 19, 20, 21, 22 Extra Credit Options Key Issues p. 39, 64, 87, 498, 560 (Maximum of 2) (10 points max. each)
Case Issue Format (1 pg., typed, single spaced) Read the Supreme Court Case, and then write a one page summary answering the following questions: 1. Summarize in your own words the conflict in this case. Identify the constitutional grounds on which each side based its arguments. Predict who you think will win and why. Look up the case in the glossary and tell me how the Court really decided and the impact it had on this issue. *Each question should be one paragraph *Due by the end of the unit
“To be free, one must be chained.” Explain the meaning of this quote. Warmup “To be free, one must be chained.” Explain the meaning of this quote.
Review Ch. 1 Sec. 1 (p. 3-8) Government and the State The institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies Public Policies All of those things a government decides to do
4 characteristics of a State Population- People Territory- Land Sovereignty- power over itself Government- the institution through which society makes and enforces public policies
4 theories of the origin of the State Force Theory- one person or group forced others to submit to their rule Evolutionary Theory- State developed naturally from the early family Divine Right Theory- State was created by God, who gave those of royal birth the “divine right” to rule Social Contract Theory- People in an area agreed to give up some freedoms for unified protection
6 Purposes of Government To form a more perfect union To establish justice To insure domestic tranquility To provide for the common defense To promote the general welfare To secure the blessings of liberty
Lecture Ch. 1 Sec. 2 (p. 10-14) Forms of Government -No two governments are exactly alike -Governments can be classified in many different ways: 1. Where the power lies (geographic distribution of power) 2. The relationship between the branches of government (legislative-executive relationship) 3. Who takes part in the government (the number who can participate)
Geographic distribution of power Unitary government- all powers belong to one single, central agency (Nazi Germany) Federal government- powers are divided between a central government and several local governments (U.S.) Confederate government- alliance of independent states (Civil War- confederacy)
Relationship Between Legislative and Executive Branches Presidential government- the executive and legislative branches are independent of one another and equal (U.S.) Parliamentary government- The executive is part of, chosen by, and responsible to the legislative branch (Great Britain)
The Number Who Can Participate Dictatorship- one ruler or group is not responsible to the will of the people (Nazi Germany) Direct Democracy- The will of the people is directly translated into public policy (city government) Representative Democracy- A group of persons chosen by the people act to express the popular will (U.S.)