Number of leaders in a true absolute Monarchy
Number of leaders in a country with an Autocracy
Taxes being put on the colonists without their ability to vote on Parliament representatives led to this phrase
No Taxation without Representation
Colonists were upset about a group of taxes waged by the British to pay for a war; these group of taxes were called this
Townshend Act
Like Great Britain (United Kingdom), this is a type of governmental system where one branch holds most or all of the power
Unitary System
Like the United States, this is a system of government where power is shared between the national and state governments
Federal System
Although Locke says it is, the Declaration does not say that this is one of our natural rights
Natural Rights stated in the Declaration of Independence
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Type of government where majority rule of the people being governed is used
Type of government where people elect a representative to participate in government to represent their opinions
Thomas Paine believed this person took away political rights of the colonists
The King of England
Thomas Pain wrote this pamphlet declaring complaints against the crown in 1776
“Common Sense”
This philosopher believed in separation of powers
Separation of powers into legislative, judicial, and executive branches was the philosophy of this man
Colonists asked for political change following this
A limit to their rights through taxation without representation
Reaction from the British after the colonists got upset over paying taxes
They ignored them and made no changes
This person believed that natural rights/ laws could not be taken or given to the government
Locke believed the purpose of government was to protect this.
Natural Rights
This document limited the power of the monarch in England
Magna Carta
This document was the first form of self rule by the colonists
Mayflower Compact
A philosophic movement marked by a turn towards democracy.
Rousseau believed in a type of government where people gave up their rights to the whole community for the benefit of all
Popular Sovereignty
Locke believed this was an agreement between the people and the sovereign
Social Contract
A list of these against the king was made in the Declaration of Independence
The main reason for writing the Declaration of Independence
Announce the colonies separation from England