BACKUPS AND ARCHIVES BACKUPS Backups are copies of data or files that are currently in use. Backups are made regularly (once a day) and stored away from the computer system (another location) Backups are needed so an extra copy of the files are available if the original file gets damaged or is lost. ARCHIVES Archives are copies of data that are no longer needed for day to day use. Archived data tends to be used for reference. Archives are made at less frequent intervals than backups They are stored away from the computer system
BACKUPS IN ORGANISATIONS An organisation will make copies of its data every day, usually at a set time, after most of the day’s work is complete. The backup procedure tends to be automatic to make sure it happens. They backup large amounts of data so they tend to use magnetic tapes, hard drives, solid state drives or cloud storage. USB, DVD and CDs do not have enough capacity (space) for large backups so are better for personal use. The data on the backup is often encrypted for security so that if the backup is stolen the file cannot be read and understood. Backups are kept in a safe and secure location away from the computer system. Backups are used to restore a file, if the original is lost or corrupted.
CABLE TIES LTD ARCHIVES Archives are large amounts of data and files that are still needed by Cable Ties LTD but no longer in everyday use. For example last years job schedule. Archives are made so that should Cable Ties need to contact an old customer or look up a past appointment they still have the information. Archives can be made in the same way as backups – copies are made and stored away from the computer network and then the original files is deleted from the computer network. Archives are probably made every 6/12 months. Archiving is useful because it frees up space on Cables Ties’ computer network for current files.
CABLE TIES METHODS OF ARCHIVING AND BACKING UP Method of archiving CostEase of useData securitySensible for Cable Ties? Magnetic tapes Extra server External hard drive Cloud storage USB Memory sticks, DVDs and CDs
INPUT DEVICES Input devices are used to enter information into a computer 1.Keyboard 2.Mouse 3.Microphone 4.Touch screen 5.Bar code reader 6.Sensor -RFID device OUTPUT DEVICES Output devices show data to a computer user. 1.Monitor 2.Printer 3.Headphones 4.Touch screen 5.Projector 6.Speakers