Maureen Curran and Mary Lou Aalbers Hazelwood School District Teacher Tips ACTIVITY #1
These lessons are designed to reinforce the following State Math Standards: Use problem-solving approaches to explore and construct meaning from mathematical content. (MO1.6, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7) Develop and apply strategies to solve problems, with emphasis on multistep and non-routine problems. (MO 1.8, 3.2, 3.3) Analyze, evaluate, and verify results with respect to the original problem.(MO 2.2, 3.7,3.8)
Teacher Page You will need to click the mouse to show the answers for activities. This will allow you to control the timing of answers shown. We suggest that students keep a journal. It is critical for students to use writing skills to explain their answers. Please take time to discuss possible solutions to problems. Click on page to see answers and/or to go to the next page.
Problem Solving
Sally and the Peanuts Sally had peanuts in all!! Working backwards is a good strategy to use with this problem since all you know is what she had at the end.