Reward management is : Development, Implementation, Maintenance, Communication and Evaluation of the reward processes. These processes deal with assessment of Relative job values, Design and management of pay structures, Performance Management, Paying for performance, competence or skill, Provision of employee benefits and pensions and Management of reward procedures
Compensation Means:: Counter Balance: To Makeup for : To Offset The meaning is different in different countries: In USA : In exchange for effort or work In China: Necessity in life. Now it is Dai yu or How you are treated or cared In Japan: is kyu-yo meaning giving something or given by ones superior. Now in Japan it is changing to hou-syu which means reward and no association with superiors
Reward Management Reward management is Development, Implementation, Maintenance, Communication and Evaluation of reward Processes. This includes: Assessment of relative Job Values The design and management of pay structures Performance management, Paying for competence, skills, and employee benefits with in overall legal framework
Reward management is concerned with: Development of organisational culture Emphasizing core Values Influencing employee motivation and Commitment and Integrating individual with the organisation
Total returns in exchange of work Total Compensation forms Relational forms Indirect Benefits & Services Direct Cash Learning Opportunities Short term Bonus Long Term Incentives Base salary Merit/ Cost of living Recognition & Status Time away From work Protection Programme Services & allowances Security Challenging Work
Total Reward Process Non Financial Rewards Job Evaluation Market Surveys Employee Benefits Performance management Business Strategy Total Remuneration Pay Levels & Relativities Pay Structures Reward Strategy Improved Performance Employee Development Performance Pay
The pay Model Strategic Issues Consistency Competitiveness Contributors Administration TECHNIQUES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Efficiency Performance Quality Customer Cost Equity Compliance Market, Surveys, Policy Lines, Pay Structure Work Analysis, Job Evaluation, Internal Structure Seniority Based, Performance based, Merit Guidelines, Incentive Programmes Planning, Budgeting, Communication, Evaluation
Reward Philosophy: A set of Beliefs which underpin the reward strategy and govern the reward policies that determine how reward process operate Reward Strategy: Intentions of organisation on the reward policies processes and practices required to ensure that it has the skilled competent and well motivated people it needs to achieve its business goals
Reward Policies: These provide guidelines for implementation of reward strategies and for the principles and for operation of reward management. Reward Practices: Financial and Non Financial rewards, job evaluations, external benchmarking, Pay structures, performance management and employee benefits.
Reward Philosophy covers: Importance to pay as a motivating force Use of non financial rewards, opportunity to learn, responsibility, recognition, quality of work life, Personal growth Extent to which organization believes, rewards should be differentiated according to performance, skill or competence The extent to which management believes that pay should be driven by Market forces Significance of equity in relation to position and performance Amount of flexibility allowed.
Reward Strategy: Deliberate Utilization of the pay system as an essential ingraining mechanism through which efforts of various sub units and individuals are directed toward the achievement of an organization's strategic objectives. How performance can be driven Achieve change in culture Individual and team contributions Cost leadership
Reward policies: Level of rewards Relative importance to market rates and equity Scope for use of contingent rewards Employee involvement in design of reward system Communication of reward transparency
Four Strategic Policies Internal Consistency: Comparision among Jobs or skill levels inside an organisation. Relative contributions to organisational Objectives Does one contributes to satisfying customers and shareholders more than others Does one require more skill or experience than other This is a factor to determine pay rates both for employees doing equal work and for those doing dissimilar work
The pay Model Strategic Issues Consistency Competitiveness Contributors Administration TECHNIQUES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Efficiency Performance Quality Customer Cost Equity Compliance Market, Surveys, Policy Lines, Pay Structure Work Analysis, Job Evaluation, Internal Structure Seniority Based, Performance based, Merit Guidelines, Incentive Programmes Planning, Budgeting, Communication, Evaluation
Four Strategic Policies Internal Consistency: Comparision among Jobs or skill levels inside an organisation. Relative contributions to organisational Objectives Does one contributes to satisfying customers and shareholders more than others Does one require more skill or experience than other This is a factor to determine pay rates both for employees doing equal work and for those doing dissimilar work
Reward management is also concerned with development of appropriate organizational culture, underpinning core values and increasing motivation and commitment of employees. This covers both Financial and Non financial rewards.
Recent Developments in Reward : Greater emphasis on strategic reward and need to integrate reward policies with other key areas of people management approaches to Job evaluation Developments in performance management Broadband pay structures Competence related pay Individual and Team pay Increased importance of variable pay
Compensation philosophy: Right reward processes are the ones which are right for a particular organization. There can be a good practice but no universally best practice. Gain sharing Developments in Pensions and employee benefits More devolution of pay decisions to line managers
Pressure to treat employees as stake holders More attention to employee involvement in pay issues Greater focus on equal pay for work of equal value and discrimination in such areas a performance management Importance of understanding the culture, climate, environment and management practices in organization before before attempting any innovations Reward policies and practices can play a major part in Change programs to achieve strategic goals led by top management.
Reward management involves the application of schemes and procedures with in pay structures. What matters most is not the design, procedure or structure of the scheme but the way it is applied, used and maintained and these are the process issues which ultimately determine the effectiveness of the organizations reward policies and practices Planned and managed incremental change is easier to design implement and sustain than quantum leap Philosophy needs to precede strategy and implementation. We need to be clear about what we are paying for and why before we design a scheme.
It is necessary to set clear short term and long term goals about what is to be achieved by reward management innovations. Some attempt must also be made to define critical success factors, and performance measures to monitor and evaluate progress.
Bu sin ess Str ate gy Re w ar d St rat eg y Pay Struct ures Pay Levels & Relativity Total remun eratio n Impro ved perfor mance Employee Development Performance Pay Non Financial rewards Employee Benefits Market Surveys Job Evaluation Performance MGT
Base Pay: Base pay is the rate for the job as affected by the internal and external employment markets. Pay Level: When performance pay and rewards for competence or skills or service increments are consolidated in base rate, it becomes Pay Level. Size of cash bonuses, benefits, pension, PF are usually set in relation to the base pay.