Digital Dividend and the Internal Market The “Information Society Parliament” Conference June 2, 2011 | Budapest.


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Presentation transcript:

Digital Dividend and the Internal Market The “Information Society Parliament” Conference June 2, 2011 | Budapest

Digital Dividend and the Internal Market Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP) Switchover from analogue to digital technology (by the end of 2012) release of a significant amount of high quality radio spectrum free for new services and new technologies Commission Proposal: 20.09.2010 Radio Spectrum Policy Programme → strategic planning and harmonization of the use of spectrum → ensuring the functioning of the internal market RSPP supports the EU 2020 strategy and the Digital Agenda for Europe spectrum has an impact on economic recovery, growth, high-quality jobs and EU competitiveness need for a global EU spectrum policy approach 02.06.2011 Digital Dividend and the Internal Market

Digital Dividend and the Internal Market Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP) Position of the European Parliament (adopted 11.05.2011) RSPP should ensure the functioning of the internal market in the areas of electronic communications, research, development and innovation, transport, energy, etc. Efficient use of spectrum and effective competition → pan- European level playing field Sufficient spectrum for mobile data traffic for the development of new services (at least 1200 MHz by 2015) The EU should be the number one in wireless electronic communication broadband services → ensure highest possible broadband speed and capacity Opening of the 900 MHz band in the near future 02.06.2011 Digital Dividend and the Internal Market

Digital Dividend and the Internal Market Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP) Member States may reserve a certain part of spectrum for new market entrants → authorization and selection procedures need to be non- discriminatory and promote effective competition By January 1, 2013: Member States shall make the 800 MHz available for electronic communications services Further harmonization and more efficient use of the 1.5 GHz and the 2.3 GHz bands The need for harmonization of other spectrum bands (for example the 700 MHz band) should be assessed Sufficient spectrum should be made available for specific Union policies (for example for Public Protection and Disaster Relief) 02.06.2011 Digital Dividend and the Internal Market

Digital Dividend and the Internal Market 2. Roaming Regulations Roaming Regulations I (2007), II (2009) and III (2012) Eurotariff* Active call (30/1) Passive call (1/1) Sending a SMS Receiving a SMS Data (wholesale) Data (retail) 1.7.2009 0,43 EUR 0,19 EUR 0,11 EUR Free 1 EUR/MB 1.7.2010 0,39 EUR 0,15 EUR 0,80 EUR/MB default cut-off 50 EUR 1.7.2011 0,35 EUR 0,50 EUR/MB 1.7.2012** ↓ 0,90 EUR/MB 1.7.2013** 0,70 EUR/MB 1.7.2014** 0,24 EUR 0,10 EUR 0,08 EUR 0,50 EUR/MB * Maximum roaming charge per minute in EUR (without VAT) ** According to first information on the Commission‘s proposal 02.06.2011 Digital Dividend and the Internal Market

Digital Dividend and the Internal Market 2. Roaming Regulations Roaming Regulation II The regulation includes certain rules regarding data roaming Operators have to impose a data-roaming limit of 50 EUR (unless other arrangements are agreed) Operators are obliged to send users a warning when 80% of the data-roaming limit is reached When the data-roaming limit is reached: operators needs to cut off the internet connection (unless the customer indicated they want to continue roaming) Regulation applies until the end of June 2012 The performance target set by the Digital Agenda for Europe is that the differences between roaming and national tariffs should approach zero by 2015 02.06.2011 Digital Dividend and the Internal Market

Digital Dividend and the Internal Market 2. Roaming Regulations Roaming Regulation III Commission proposal : June 22, 2011 The regulation should include: First retail price controls for data roaming The retail price for data roaming should refer to GB and not to MB Competition should be increased (for example: Austria – compared to the rather small market a high level of competition) A true internal market should be created Protection against market misuse Unbundling of roaming from the rest of the package Customers should be able to select roaming partners Charges for receiving calls could be invested in the infrastructure roll-out 02.06.2011 Digital Dividend and the Internal Market

Thank you for your attention! For further information please contact: Dr. Paul Rübig, MEP Rue Wiertz 60 B- 1047 Brussels ASP 08 F 167 Tel.: +32 (2) 284 5749 Fax: +32 (2) 284 9749 Dr. Paul Rübig, MEP Mitterhoferstrasse 17 A-4600 Wels Tel.: +43 (7242) 47135 2800 Fax: +43 (7242) 47135 2801 Or find me online: 02.06.2011 Digital Dividend and the Internal Market