Choosing a Radio* *I don’t have one yet
Where to Start? Primary use Location of shack Price range Technical savvy Long term goals
Primary Use Volunteer work 1 Local Communication 2 Emergency Communications 3,4 Long Distant Contacts
Location of Shack House Apartment Car Off the grid
Other issues Cost Technical Savvy Long Term Goals
Rig Type Handy Talkie Mobile Unit Base Station
Companies Icom Yaesu Alinco Kenwood Elecraft Others …
Handy Talkies How many bands? 6 m, 2 m, 70 cm, and 220 MHz. Houston - 2 m and 70 cm repeaters 6 m has sporadic E layer progation Extra features GPS APRS DTFM Memory Channels
Handy Talkies Dual bander US companies very similar Menu logic differences Receive capabilities vary Wideband receiver? Cheaper Radios and their caveats
Mobile Stations How many bands? Dual band, or more … Higher power Antenna Tuner Accessories
Base Stations VHF/UHF? Placement of Antennas Power supplies Grounding
Beyond … Amplifiers Antenna Software Contests Clubs Specialties
References 1. Harris County ARES MS-150 Harris County ARES MS Harris County Frequencies Harris County Frequencies 3. Southeast Harris County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Emergency Communications Plan Southeast Harris County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Emergency Communications Plan 4. ARES Go Kit ARES Go Kit 5. Silver, David. The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual. ARRL Newington, CT 2008
Example: Cheap HT Jingtong JT-208 Tx: MHz (not limited to MHz) No button labels, may have modify case. $ shipping Manual Eham review
Example: Expensive HT Yaesu VX-8R 4 band Tx - Wideband Rx All the bells and whistles APRS Bluetooth capable Memory channels with names Monitor 2 Ham frequencies and one AM/FM station at one time Barometric sensor Well written manual $370 + shipping
Example: Mobile HF/UHF/VHF Yeasu FT-857 HF + 6m + 2m + 70cm All mode Computer controllable $700 radio + $360 ATAS free head separation kit
Example: Base Station HF/UHF/VHF Kenwood TS-480 HF+6m+2m+70cm 100 Watts Remote Head $1,000 radio + $120 power supply + antenna