Revisión:Pretérito (pasado) We use the preterite to express actions in the past that happened on a specific occasion (Viajé a Miami/I traveled to Miami) in a sequence of events (Llegué a Miami, tomé un taxi y busqué el hotel/I arrived at Miami, took a taxi and looked for the hotel) For a specific period of time (Pasé un mes en Miami/ I spent a month in Miami)
Gramática Verbos regulares -ar-er/-ir -é-í -aste-iste -ó-ió -amos-imos -asteis-isteis -aron-ieron
IMPERFECTO We use the IMPERFECT to talk about : a situation or an event in the past that used to happen for an unspecified period of time (De niño, visitaba a mis abuelos/ As a child, I used to visit my grandparents) what people, places or things were like (Yo era una niña tímida/ I was a shy girl) The setting (Había muchas playas/ There used to be lots of beaches) How someone felt or what he/she liked or disliked (Me gustaban los dibujos animados/ I liked cartoons)
Gramática Verbos regulares -ar-er/-ir -aba-ía -abas-ías -aba-ía -ábamos-íamos -ábais-íais -abanían