Bible Codes Intermediate Series Presents: “The Country Libya” ©2011 David Douglas Bell, all rights reserved Please Visit


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Presentation transcript:

Bible Codes Intermediate Series Presents: “The Country Libya” ©2011 David Douglas Bell, all rights reserved Please Visit for more information

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page 2 Muammar Gaddafi & Terrorism?

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page 3 “death_Gaddafi” “death_Gaddafi” “terrorist”“Libya” “terrorist” Deuteronomy 18:1 “...shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel: they shall eat the offerings of the LORD made by fire...” Deuteronomy 17:6 “At the mouth of two witnesses” Deuteronomy 17:18 “And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom...” Deuteronomy 17:2 “... hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the Lord thy God, in transgressing his covenant” Code matrix by: David D. Bell

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page 4...a missile against my people...

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page 5 “and_he_perished_from_Libyaknow_a_missile_against_mypeople” “and_he_perished_fromLibya_know_a_missileagainst_my_people” Jeremiah 51:29 “And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant.” Ezekiel 5:7 “...thus saith the Lord God...” Ezekiel 36:17 “ of Israel...” Habakkuk 2:14 “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Amos 3:11 “Therefore thus saith the Lord God; An adversary there shall be even round about the land; and he shall bring down thy strength from thee, and thy palaces shall be spoiled.” Code matrix by: David D. Bell

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page will be tempted [by] Libya and you will kill...

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page 7 “you_will_be_tempted_Libyaand_you_will_kill” “armageddon” “you_will_betemptedLibya_andyou_will_kill” “Lybia” Daniel 11:27 “And both these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed.” “Lybia” “year_012” “Lybia” Code matrix by: David D. Bell

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page 8 Fulfilled Bible Code Prophecy: M. Gaddafi...Put to death

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page 9 “M._Gaddafi” “M._Gaddafi” “Libya_willbe_desolate” “Libya” “ruler” Alternative spacing code. Numbers 1:48 “For the Lord had spoken...” Alternative spacing code. “ruler” Numbers 1:51 “... shall be put to death.” Code matrix by: David D. Bell “Libya_willbe_desolate”

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page 10 Backup Slides

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page 11 Regarding the next slide. Please make a note that I am not saying that the great last battle of Armageddon begins in the year However, it does appear that the year 2011 (having the same skip as the central term armageddon) is intimately related to the term armageddon. Events in the year 2011 appear to be on the path to the battle of armageddon. The last matrix slide is marked "PRELIMINARY" until the spellings are verified and the matrix is confirmed. How Does The Year 2011 Fit Into all of This?

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page 12 “armageddon” “armageddon” “year_5771(2011)” Ezekiel 4:14 “... Ah Lord God!...” Ezekiel 38:2 “...Gog the land of Magog...” Daniel 2:40 “And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.” “year_771(‘011)” Code matrix by: David D. Bell

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page 13 Mathematical Equations, etc. P [letter] = ((Character occurrences)/(Total characters)) ∑((Character occurrences)/(Total characters)) All Letters P [search term] = (P [1st letter] ) + (P [2nd letter] ) (P [nth letter] ) R [search term] = log (1/P [search term] ) R [matrix] = ∑(R [1st search term] + R [2nd search term] R [nth search term] ) P [matrix] = 1 / antilog (R [matrix] )

Libya_Rev-D.ppt©2011; David Douglas Bell, All rights reserved Page 14 Code research by: David Douglas Bell NOTE: Please see slide notes for each Bible code matrix original discoverer. For additional information see: (This is my personal website. Discover that Ellen G. White describes and prophesizes about the special end- times information hidden within the Bible codes.) Other sources: (Bible code research site. Not all codes have been verified...) (Search all published Ellen G. White books & periodicals.) (Large Bible code matrix library. Not all codes have been verified...) Sources / References