Joshua Tells About 1 Sam. Tells About Ruth Tells About Judges Tells About.


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Presentation transcript:

Joshua Tells About 1 Sam. Tells About Ruth Tells About Judges Tells About

Joshua Tells About 1 Sam. Tells About Ruth Tells About Judges Tells About Conquering the Promised Land

Joshua Tells About 1 Sam. Tells About Ruth Tells About Judges Tells About Conquering the Promised Land God raising Deliverers in P. Land

Joshua Tells About 1 Sam. Tells About Ruth Tells About Judges Tells About Conquering the Promised Land God raising Deliverers in P. Land Ruth’s Marriage to Boaz

Joshua Tells About 1 Sam. Tells About Ruth Tells About Judges Tells About Conquering the Promised Land God raising Deliverers in P. Land Ruth’s Marriage to Boaz Samuel, Saul & David

Chosen by God –took Moses Place Only Battle Lost in P. Land Hid the Spies Number of spies sent by Joshua Number of Times Around Jericho

Joshua Chosen by God –took Moses Place Only Battle Lost in P. Land Hid the Spies Number of spies sent by Joshua Number of Times Around Jericho

Joshua Two Chosen by God –took Moses Place Only Battle Lost in P. Land Hid the Spies Number of spies sent by Joshua Number of Times Around Jericho

Joshua Rahab Two Chosen by God –took Moses Place Only Battle Lost in P. Land Hid the Spies Number of spies sent by Joshua Number of Times Around Jericho

Joshua Rahab Two Chosen by God –took Moses Place Only Battle Lost in P. Land Hid the Spies Number of spies sent by Joshua Number of Times Around Jericho13

Joshua Ai Rahab Two Chosen by God –took Moses Place Only Battle Lost in P. Land Hid the Spies Number of spies sent by Joshua Number of Times Around Jericho13

Territory Captured by Joshua Woman Judge Number of Judges Duration of Period of Judges Left Handed Judge

All the P. Land Territory Captured by Joshua Woman Judge Number of Judges Duration of Period of Judges Left Handed Judge

All the P. Land More than 300 yrs Territory Captured by Joshua Woman Judge Number of Judges Duration of Period of Judges Left Handed Judge

All the P. Land 15 More than 300 yrs Territory Captured by Joshua Woman Judge Number of Judges Duration of Period of Judges Left Handed Judge

All the P. Land 15 More than 300 yrs Territory Captured by Joshua Woman Judge Number of Judges Duration of Period of Judges Left Handed JudgeEhud

All the P. Land Deborah 15 More than 300 yrs Territory Captured by Joshua Woman Judge Number of Judges Duration of Period of Judges Left Handed JudgeEhud

Judge with army of 300 Ruth’s Mother-in-law The Strong Judge Judge who made foolish promise Woman who deceived Samson

Gideon Judge with army of 300 Ruth’s Mother-in-law The Strong Judge Judge who made foolish promise Woman who deceived Samson

Gideon Jephthah Judge with army of 300 Ruth’s Mother-in-law The Strong Judge Judge who made foolish promise Woman who deceived Samson

Gideon Samson Jephthah Judge with army of 300 Ruth’s Mother-in-law The Strong Judge Judge who made foolish promise Woman who deceived Samson

Gideon Samson Jephthah Judge with army of 300 Ruth’s Mother-in-law The Strong Judge Judge who made foolish promise Woman who deceived SamsonDelilah

Gideon Naomi Samson Jephthah Judge with army of 300 Ruth’s Mother-in-law The Strong Judge Judge who made foolish promise Woman who deceived SamsonDelilah

Ruth’s Second Husband Heard by Samuel in middle of night Samuel’s Mother The Old Judge Raised Samuel

Boaz Ruth’s Second Husband Heard by Samuel in middle of night Samuel’s Mother The Old Judge Raised Samuel

Boaz Eli Ruth’s Second Husband Heard by Samuel in middle of night Samuel’s Mother The Old Judge Raised Samuel

Boaz Hannah Eli Ruth’s Second Husband Heard by Samuel in middle of night Samuel’s Mother The Old Judge Raised Samuel

Boaz Hannah Eli Ruth’s Second Husband Heard by Samuel in middle of night Samuel’s Mother The Old Judge Raised SamuelEli

Boaz Voice of God Hannah Eli Ruth’s Second Husband Heard by Samuel in middle of night Samuel’s Mother The Old Judge Raised SamuelEli

Samuel’s response when God spoke First king of Israel Reason Israel asked for king The Last Judge Rejected when they asked for king

Speak Lord... Samuel’s response when God spoke First king of Israel Reason Israel asked for king The Last Judge Rejected when they asked for king

Speak Lord... Samuel Samuel’s response when God spoke First king of Israel Reason Israel asked for king The Last Judge Rejected when they asked for king

Speak Lord... To be like nations Samuel Samuel’s response when God spoke First king of Israel Reason Israel asked for king The Last Judge Rejected when they asked for king

Speak Lord... To be like nations Samuel Samuel’s response when God spoke First king of Israel Reason Israel asked for king The Last Judge Rejected when they asked for kingGod

Speak Lord... Saul To be like nations Samuel Samuel’s response when God spoke First king of Israel Reason Israel asked for king The Last Judge Rejected when they asked for kingGod

First king of Israel David’s weapons against Goliath God’s description of David Anointed David to be king Giant killed by David

Saul First king of Israel David’s weapons against Goliath God’s description of David Anointed David to be king Giant killed by David

Saul Samuel First king of Israel David’s weapons against Goliath God’s description of David Anointed David to be king Giant killed by David

Saul After My own heart Samuel First king of Israel David’s weapons against Goliath God’s description of David Anointed David to be king Giant killed by David

Saul After My own heart Samuel First king of Israel David’s weapons against Goliath God’s description of David Anointed David to be king Giant killed by DavidGoliath

Saul Sling/five stones After My own heart Samuel First king of Israel David’s weapons against Goliath God’s description of David Anointed David to be king Giant killed by DavidGoliath

David’s best friend Second king of Israel Weapon thrown by Saul at David

Jonathan David’s best friend Second king of Israel Weapon thrown by Saul at David

Jonathan Spear David’s best friend Second king of Israel Weapon thrown by Saul at David

Jonathan David Spear David’s best friend Second king of Israel Weapon thrown by Saul at David

Walls of Jericho David and Bathsheba Saul and the Amalekites Gideon David and Goliath Key Chapters

Joshua 6 Walls of Jericho David and Bathsheba Saul and the Amalekites Gideon David and Goliath Key Chapters

Joshua 6 Judges 6-8 Walls of Jericho David and Bathsheba Saul and the Amalekites Gideon David and Goliath Key Chapters

Joshua 6 1 Samuel 15 Judges 6-8 Walls of Jericho David and Bathsheba Saul and the Amalekites Gideon David and Goliath Key Chapters

Joshua 6 1 Samuel 15 Judges 6-8 Walls of Jericho David and Bathsheba Saul and the Amalekites Gideon David and Goliath1 Samuel 17 Key Chapters

Joshua 6 2 Samuel Samuel 15 Judges 6-8 Walls of Jericho David and Bathsheba Saul and the Amalekites Gideon David and Goliath1 Samuel 17 Key Chapters

Generation after Joshua/not know Israel Demands a King to be like n. Key Locations

Judges 2:10 Generation after Joshua/not know Israel Demands a King to be like n. Key Locations

Judges 2:10 1 Samuel 8:5 Generation after Joshua/not know Israel Demands a King to be like n. Key Locations

“I will never leave you nor forsake you” “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” “But as from me and my house we will serve the Lord” Memory Verses

Joshua 1:5 “I will never leave you nor forsake you” “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” “But as from me and my house we will serve the Lord” Memory Verses

Joshua 1:5 Joshua 24:15 “I will never leave you nor forsake you” “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” “But as from me and my house we will serve the Lord” Memory Verses

Joshua 1:5 Judges 21:25b Joshua 24:15 “I will never leave you nor forsake you” “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” “But as from me and my house we will serve the Lord” Memory Verses