Kayla Thompson, Stephanie Conley, & Kayla Hovland
Mobile Technology in the Classroom Future iPads Trends Statistics
Sprint Mobile Learning in K-12 Education Efficient ways to use Sprint in the school system Student and bus tracking Severe weather alerts Wireless solutions for employees Emergency Preparedness Teaching with technology face off: PC’s against iPhones Students with the iPhone are learning at more odd moments during the day The study showed that the students with iPhones spend more time studying
International Children’s Digital Library (ICDL) Mission: support the world’s children in becoming effective members of the global community by making the best in children’s literature available online free of charge Two iPhone apps for reading & creating books Handheld Learning Awards Given at the annual Handheld Learning Conference to Primary & Secondary schools who have done innovative projects involving mobile devices
Blended learning refers to the use of multiple learning environments in conjunction with one another. In this case, Collaborize is an online learning forum aimed at complimenting traditional in-class instruction to achieve optimal engagement, comprehension and retention of information.
Anytime, Anywhere Updating on the go Mobile Devices versus Desktop/Laptop Twitter as in-class discussion Pollanywhere.com Books
Geography Mobile Field Studies English Notes and Assignments Math Practice on the go
IPADLAPTOP - VCSU Lightweight $499 Thin Small Touch Keyboard or USB attachable No Webcam Cannot Create Presentations Heavy $2000 for a 2 year period Large Keyboard Attached Multiple Windows Several USB Ports Lower Battery Life
One and a half billion people in the world own phones Phones these days have the computing power of a mid 1990’s PC while consuming one one-hundredth of the energy Even the simplest, voice-only phones have more complex and powerful chips than the 1969 on-board computer that landed a spaceship on the moon
It is time to start thinking of our phones as computers, some are more powerful than the computers we use these days The computer and the phone are headed to meet in the middle with their capabilities to make a more efficient way for students to learn The United States is the only country in the world where the PC’s outnumber the cell phones.
Learning processes that can be incorporated through the mobile phone Listening Observing Imitating Questioning Reflecting Trying Estimating Predicting Practicing
Phone Features that we can learn from Voice-only SMS (Short Text Messages) Graphics User-controlled operating systems Downloads Browsers Camera GPS Video Clips
What to expect in the future Phones getting smaller and more powerful It will be very common to be a necessity to own a cell phone in the classroom, instead of a PC The disposable cell phone is already being manufactured It is the thickness of 3 credit cards and 3 inches long Entirely made of paper Will ultimately cost $1/disposable phone
Marc Prensky’s Article “Should a 4-year-old have an iPhone w/61/ w/61/ Things they can use it for: Reading Recognizing words Reading books Writing Forming letters On-screen keyboard
Math Download math apps Voice Recording Singing Reading Camera & Video Experimenting on their own Internet Play games Drawing & Coloring Download apps Music Listen to their favorite songs
Should 4-year-olds have an iPhone? Marc Prensky thinks they should Reasons: Why deprive them? May be used in classrooms in the future Makes learning fun!
American Children 7.5 hours a day 11 hours crammed Audio Video SMS Apps 72% of all teens/88% of teen cell users text
Over 5 billion subscriptions 75% of world’s population Technology to reach 50% of U.S. households 56 years for the telephone 20 years for the personal computer 10 years for the internet 9 years for the radio 14 years for the mobile phone