NE 127 – Codes, Standards, and Regulations NDT & QA/QC Standards: ISO, ANSI, ATA, AIA, IEEE, etc. INSTRUCTOR: Chattanooga State CC.


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Presentation transcript:

NE 127 – Codes, Standards, and Regulations NDT & QA/QC Standards: ISO, ANSI, ATA, AIA, IEEE, etc. INSTRUCTOR: Chattanooga State CC

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) International standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations Founded in 1947 Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO derived from the Greek word isos, meaning “equal” (pronounced the same in all languages) Members from 163 countries ANSI is the US-representative to ISO ISO standards voluntary agreements based on consensus of international expert opinion

ISO Quality Management Standards Provide a model to follow in setting up and operating a management system

ISO 9000 Family An international consensus on good quality management practices ISO 9001:2008 – a set of standardized requirements for a quality management system against which organizations can be certified Outlines requirements for: – Control of documents – Control of records – Internal audits – Control of nonconforming product/service – Corrective action – Preventive action

ISO 9001 Criticisms Amount of money, time, and paperwork required for registration Certification does not guarantee products produced are any good (as long as manufacturing consistent and well- documented)

ANSI Founded in 1918 to enhance global competitiveness of U.S. businesses and U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards Accredits procedures of standards-developing organizations More than 10,000 ANSI standards in publication ANSI History

ANSI Standards ANSI N45.2 series – QA program standards for design and construction of nuclear power plants ANSI N – Delineates the qualification requirements for persons who perform inspections, examinations, and test to determine conformance of safety-related items to specific criteria – Excludes NDT (covered by SNT-TC-1A) – Not applicable for purposes other than verifying conformance – Not applicable to personnel who perform technical specification surveillance testing

ANSI Qualification for Inspectors Levels I, II, and III (III is highest level) Requires formal training, OJT, and the satisfactory completion of a written exam – TVA’s NQAP (Nuclear Quality Assurance Program) provides alternate qualification requirements

Level I/II Functions Level I technicians responsible for: – Recording of test data – Implementation of test procedures Level II technicians also responsible for: – Planning inspections, including test set-up – Evaluating validity and acceptability of test results – Reporting of test results – Supervision of lower level personnel – Qualification of lower level personnel

Level III Functions Level III technicians also responsible for: – Evaluating the adequacy of programs to train and test inspection personnel – Qualification of same level personnel

ANSI N18.1 “Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel for Operations” – Provides criteria for selection and training of personnel for nuclear power plants (excluding security personnel) – Requires training programs to be established for operators, technical staff member, and I & C technicians

SNT-TC-1A “Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing” – Provides recommended practices for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel – Applies whenever invoked by another code or standard or when adopted by an organization – Certification to Level I, II, and III in various NDT methods – Certification requirements vary per method and include classroom training, OJT, and examinations

SNT-TC-1A Certification Requirements Level I or II certification usually provided by employer For certification, individuals must pass: – General written exam – Specific written exam addressing equipment, procedures, techniques, codes, etc. for the organization – Practical exam (demonstration of test and recording of results) Level III certification requirements may require testing by ASNT or ASME

ATA Air Transportation Association, a trade organization for U.S. airlines Founded in 1936 Two ATA documents serve as guidelines for the training of inspection personnel – ATA Specification 105, Guidelines for Training and Qualifying Personnel in Non-Destructive Testing Methods – ATA Specification 107, Visual Inspection Personnel Training and Qualification Guide for FAR Part 121 Air Carriers

Relevant ATA Standards ATA Specification 105 – Guideline for the development of an airline’s maintenance training program and for qualification of NDT test personnel ATA Specification 107 – Addresses training and qualification needs of aircraft inspection technicians and recommends a minimum list of inspection items

AIA Aerospace Industries Association, represents major manufacturers of commercial, military, and business aircraft and spacecraft Established in 1919 NAS 410, Certification & Qualification Of Nondestructive Test Personnel – replaces MIL- STD-410E (military test standard) NAS 999, Nondestructive Inspection of Advanced Composite Structure

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Defines class 1E as “the safety classification of the electric equipment and systems that are essential to emergency reactor shutdown, containment isolation, reactor core cooling, reactor heat removal, and containment integrity”

IEEE – Class 1E Equipment Safety power supplies Distribution equipment and components (safety-related) Safety-related equipment and controls Non-Class 1E equipment includes unit generators, station switchyard, and transmission lines

Key IEEE Standards IEEE308 – Standard Criteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations IEEE387 – Standard Criteria for Diesel-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations