Managing Myself Module A Part 1 Introduction
In this session we will be Reviewing the topics that will be covered in this module Discussing expectations Filling in the registration form (if applicable) Filling in the release of information form (if applicable) Filling in the learner agreement (if applicable) Reviewing your learner plan Completing a learning styles inventory Answer any questions you have about the rest of the sessions
In the Self-Management Modules we will be covering the following topics Module A: What is self-management? How do you build your self-confidence? How do you improve your self-advocacy skills? Module B: How do you stay motivated? How can you use self-assessment and self-reflection? We will also be practicing self-management skills with a variety of different activities.
At the end of the modules We will give you a copy of your learner plan which is a summary of what we are covering in the session We will give you a certificate of completion We will ask you to fill out an evaluation form We will be asking you if you would recommend this program or this session to other people that might benefit from it After you leave, we will be contacting you at 3 months, 6 months and 12 months to see how you are doing.
Expectations Understand your role here- if you aren't sure about something ask! Be responsible Accept the point of view of others Be flexible when working with others Come prepared to participate Meet any deadlines Be willing to help others Contribute to the best of your ability Help resolve disagreements if they happen
Milestones During the module we will be doing "check-ins" called milestones. Milestones are activities to help you see if you are making progress. The milestones in this module we will be doing are all found on your learner plan. After we have completed all the materials you may complete a culminating task.
Your Learner Plan Every person who comes to our agency has a learner plan The plan outlines what you will be doing while you are here The main parts of the learner plan are: milestones you will complete learning activities you will complete referrals that are made
Self-Management Self-management skills allow you to achieve your full potential by focusing on your self and the skills you need to be successful. Self-management skills include a number of different components including: self-confidence self-advocacy self-motivation self-assessment self-reflection
Activity #1: Self-Management Brainstorming As a group brainstorm ideas about what you think the term self-management means. Write down your ideas.
What is self-confidence? Self-confidence refers to a feeling of trust in your own abilities, qualities, decisions and judgments. Source:
What is self-advocacy? Self-advocacy is about speaking up for yourself or writing in support of yourself. It is the act of representing one's own views or interests. Source:
Self-motivation is having the initiative to do a task or activity without being supervised or told to do it. Source: What is self-motivation?
What is self-assessment? Self-assessment is the evaluation of oneself or one's actions and attitudes, usually, of one's performance at a job or learning task. Source:
What is self-reflection? Self-reflection is meditation or serious thought about one's character, actions, and motives. Source:
Activity Complete the Learning Styles Inventory to find out what your learning style is
Milestone 36 Use a medium of your choice to express yourself creatively. The topic will be "you". You can focus on things you are good at, things you like, skills you have, etc. This milestone will be due at the end of Self-Management Module B.
Credits This Power Point was created by Laubach Literacy Ontario. The resources can be downloaded free of charge at This Employment Ontario Project was funded by the Ontario Government All website links were accurate at the time of original distribution-March All of the images and clip art used in this Power Point are from and Microsoft